Effectiveness Of Print Advertising In Construction Machinery Industry In Saudi Arabia

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Effectiveness of Print Advertising in Construction Machinery Industry in Saudi Arabia

[Name of the Institute]

Copyright 2013



I would like to thank everyone who helped my completing my dissertation on the time including my supervisor, my teachers, my family and my friends. It is that without their efforts this research would not be possible.


The dissertation submitted is the result of an individual effort and investigation, except where it is stated otherwise. The title of this dissertation and the depth have not been accepted by any degree neither it is being concurrently submitted for other degree.








Background of the Study6

Objectives of the Research Study7

Research Question7

Research Hypotheses7

Significance of the Study8

Organization of the Research Study9


Saudi Arabia; a Growing Market for Construction Machineries11

Print Advertisements12

Product Type and Advertisement Effectiveness14

Effectiveness of Print Advertisement14


Deductive Method16

Quantitative Methodology16

Method of data Collection17

Survey Questionnaire17

Sampling Size18

Method of Data Analysis18




This chapter introduces the research topic, background of the research, and the problem statement. This chapter also discusses the research aims and objectives along with the research questions and hypotheses of the research study. This chapter also discusses the organization of the research study.

Background of the Study

Advertisement has become progressively a significant part of marketing in an industry. With the dramatic increase in the expenditure of a sales call, marketing managers of different industries are inspecting the usage of more reasonable communication tools to perform the tasks assigned to the salespeople. This development is demonstrated by the quotation. Regardless of advertising's growing significance in the manufacturing marketing, it has established limited study attention (Macias, Lewis & Baek, 2010). Modern research study on advertising in industries has been apprehensive with setting the objectives of industrial advertising as well as budgets. The format and content of advertising promotions have not been studied. Considering a country like Saudi Arabia, which is considered as a technology adapted country, where the technology is a significant element of the daily life, it is natural that the effective marketing strategies and trends will help the industries in increasing their returns (Macias, Lewis & Baek, 2010). Previous researches have stated that marketing through print media is becoming a trend in the machinery industry of Saudi Arabia (Mitra & Tan, 2012). The majority of the companies of construction machinery are using this method of marketing successfully for this as a tool for the increase in their selling.

The aim of this research study is to discover the particular features of print advertisements in construction machinery industry which are associated with the effectiveness as well as usefulness in performing the functions of advertisement. This research study centres on print based advertising for the reason that this medium of advertisement accounts for about 75 percent of the industrial manufacturing advertising expenses.

Objectives of the Research Study

The objective of choosing this topic is to study of effectiveness of print advertising in the construction machinery industry in Saudi Arabia, and to investigate its significance in the marketing of construction machinery products in the present ...