Effective Research

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Effective Research and Professional Practice

Effective Research and Professional Practice


In this given article, the quantitative research method is used and a questionnaire was developed including 30 scenarios in three broad areas. Out of those, twelve items were related to employee use of employer's resources for personal entertainment, twelve items on employee use of employer's resources for gain, and six items on employer monitoring of employee usage of employer's resources. The participants rated the response in each scenario on a 5-point Licker-type scale from “usually unethical" to "usually ethical”. Demographics of the participants including gender age, education level, and management/non-management status were also considered.

Quantitative and qualitative data collection methods are generally used for research studies and data collection as well as analyses. Researchers and managers work on monitoring and evaluation believes that quantitative methods are always and everywhere better quality, or vice versa. Quantitative methods measure, determine the number or use a questionnaire with questions to which answers are coded and subjected to numerical analysis. To characterize the whole population based on data from a limited number of questions and obtained in a study of a large number of people or examples. Allow to reveal significant differences in population characteristics or factors influencing it. Reveal statistically significant relationships between the problem and its obvious cause (Creswell, 2003, 213-215). Qualitative methods help to examine in depth a particular problem on the example of a relatively small sample of people. They are discussed in more detail how people perceive their situation and problems, why, and what are their priorities. Qualitative methods are flexible. They use open-ended questions, and analysis of the results is carried out in the course of data collection. With systematic use of qualitative methods give equally reliable and objective results as the quantitative.

Quantitative methods allow you to distribute the results to the population as a whole. They get information from a study of a large number of examples of people or a limited number of parameters. Qualitative methods are used to study the problems. They limit the collection of data to predefined list. They allow you to more deeply explore the problem, but the possibility of extending their results to the general population is limited. Quantitative methods are usually "easier" reality to obtain reliable objective numerical data. Qualitative methods use informal approaches to reflect the differences and provide a more holistic approach to reality. Quantitative methods are based on statistically meaningful analysis methods, and, therefore, they provide objective data that can be generalized (Corner, 1991, 718). Qualitative data are a result interpretation. Often they contain valuable in-depth analysis. But sometimes it is just a little more than an ordered common sense.

Qualitative methods are sometimes unable to avoid superficiality, bias and error. If you need accurate estimates of relations or, better data will be insufficient. Tools developed to test and apply the following standardized procedures. Rigid definition of issues for research and tools ensures the quality and the ability to compare outcomes. However, the issues and tools cannot be modified during ...
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