Effective Perfromance Management

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Effective performance management

Effective performance management


In today's developing age, the competition among organizations is increasing more rapidly. For standing as a competitor in the market, almost all organizations and companies are emphasizing on the techniques and strategies for making workforce efficient and effective. Efficient workforce will assist in enhancing the productivity and performance of the organization (HSE, 2012, Pp.1-3). Thus, organizations all across the world are struggling to implement and introduce structures and programs that might assist them in attaining the best from their workforce. Organizations are struggling for implementing and introducing these programs and structures by using the technique of performance management and recruitment. Effective performance management and efficient recruitment strategies are appearing to be best suitable for enhancing the productivity and performance of the organization (HSE, 2012, Pp.1-3).

Human resource department of organizations are using accurate and appropriate methods of recruitment which is allowing organizations to employee highly skilled and adequate candidates in the organization's workforce. Proper screening of the employees is being implemented for enhancing recruitment process within these organizations. Performance management is playing an effective role in enhancing employee's professional skills and knowledge. Moreover, performance management is assisting efficiently in the progress of the employee's career. Furthermore, effective performance management is helping in achieving strategic objectives of the organization (HSE, 2012, Pp.1-3). Effective performance management may help organizations in ensuring the smooth operations of their business. Furthermore, it may also help them in achieving their desired and predefined goals. Therefore, proper performance management strategies and recruitment strategies may play an effective role in aligning the aims and objectives of the company. This paper will put emphasis on best practices and issues that come up while implementing performance management. Moreover, the paper will focus on the significance of performance management in the employee's career development (HSE, 2012, Pp.1-3).

Literature review

Performance management appears as the organized and systematic process through which an organization involves its workforce in enhancing the effectiveness and productivity or performance of the organization. The implementation of the performance management significantly helps the organizations or any other business in attaining their predefined and target goals and missions. The strategy of performance management highlights not only on any single worker, but also on the entire organization, processes, programs and teams of the company as a whole (Messer, 2001, p.1). An effective and strategic performance management program focuses and addresses the organizational as well as the individual's performance. As a result, the performance of the employees or the entire workforce enhances which proves to be beneficial for company's growth and progress. Effective performance management and efficient recruitment strategies greatly helps the management of the organization in sustaining and creating the effective results oriented and skilled and peaceful culture within the organization. Effective and appropriate performance management is greatly helping many organizations in improving and enhancing the performance of the individual employees as well as the performance of the entire organization. In this way, performance management is playing an inevitable role in enhancing the performance and career ...