Effective Listening Strategies

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Effective Listening Strategies

Effective Listening Strategies


Active listening plays an essential role in effective communication. Strategies have been developed for effective listening by the experts of communication in order to support effective way of communication between groups and individuals. The effective listening strategies were developed as a way to approach to a compromise in the situations of conflict. However, ultimately, effective listening started to gain ground in the circles of HR. these strategies helped both interviewees and interviewers equally in order to achieve effective communication in worrying environment of the interview (Hcareers, 2009).

The goal of the effective listening is to maintain and forge an efficient communication channel among people. In order to attain this goal, listener is required to focus deeply on the speaker's communication and ignore every distraction during the communication. To analyze and then paraphrase is the major constituent of effective listening. These strategies help in ensuring mutual understanding. As the job interviews are fast-paced and more progressive as compared to leisurely social interactions, it is usually essential to employ more effective and efficient version of effective listening principles (Hcareers, 2009).


The article based on effective listening strategies presented by retention services includes several strategies that will be helpful in supporting effective listening. These strategies will make the effective communication possible during the interviews. Following are the strategies that have been proposed in this article:

Make an Effort

The effective listener requires realize that effort is necessary for effective listening. This strategy suggests listen carefully. Listening with concentration is the main factor in making the effort for effective listening (Muchnick, n.d.).

Concentrate to the Speaker's Communication

Attention and full concentration is necessary so as to effectively listen to the speaker's communication. Eye contact is required to be maintained throughout the communication of the speaker. During interviews eye contact plays an essential role in ...
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