Effective Communication In Teamwork

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Effective Communication in Teamwork

Effective Communication in Teamwork


In order to be successful in today's world, the organizations have realized that the accomplishment of goals and projects can be done in a better manner by developing teams. Initially teams were only used for special projects but not team building has become a norm. Teamwork is considered to be a very important element of survival and success of an organization. However, the organizations face many problems during their efforts to form an environment that encourages teamwork (Becton et al, n.d.). One of the major reasons for these problems is ineffective communication that exists between the members of team and the management. Therefore, this assignment is focused highlighting the importance of effective business communication in teams.


In organizations, the employees are often required to work as team for completing projects. Working in groups has many advantages that include the sense of accomplishment and the distribution of responsibilities (Wakeling, n.d.). However, the teamwork can also result in creation of anxiety and tension between the employees due to poor communication. Through effective communication, the negative feelings and stress can be eliminated while working in a team. Therefore, it is very important to have proper communication to enhance teamwork in organizations (www.buzzle.com).

The team cannot sustain in vacuum. In order to manage work effectively, it is important for the team members to communicate with one another effectively and with the management of the organization. Efforts should be made by the management to provide teams with information which is accurate regarding the concerns, goals, plans and accomplishments and the way the team fits with these areas of the organization. It is also very important for the teams to encourage, support and recognize the efforts of team because motivated teams are more productive (Watson, n.d.).

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