Effective Communication

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Effective Communication and healthcare

Effective Communication and Healthcare

Task 1

Tuckman's Stages of Group Interaction

Tuckman's stages of group interaction incorporate 5 stages of group interaction and development. These stages are as below:

Forming: This is the initial stage of orientation to develop understanding between the group members. It is important for the group to understand the purpose of the group. The most important role is task-oriented dependency solving and exploration, measurement and evaluation of the circumstances and the other members. In the case of Sea View, the patients can understand the individual needs and problems of each other and identify the purpose of being there.

Storming: Group members begin to challenge the leadership of the group or become isolated from group interaction (Dube 2000 Pp. 545-554). If conflict is suppressed, then it may result in resentment and bitterness. This may encourage apathy and neglect. Conflict management is the task that must be overcome at this stage. In the case of Mr. Djibouti, he is labeled as different, which has put him in a lot of distress.

Norming: This stage is characterized by cooperation. Predominant themes in relation to task-oriented behavior are communication and expression of opinions. The influence and information exchange fosters cooperation and synergy of the group. The main theme in the area of ??orientation relationships is cohesion. The staff and other patients can cooperate with each other and harmonize, which can also help Mr. Djibouti.

Performing: This stage is characterized by high productivity and performance, which achieves the functional integration of roles. The main task-oriented behavior is problem solving. The group effort is used to fulfill the objectives of the group (Brown 1999 Pp. 85-104).

Argyle's Theory of Communication Cycle

Idea: the first level of communication is the generation of an idea.

Message: the message may in the form of a language, text, expressions etc. which can be transferred through a medium.

Message sent: at this stage, the sender communicates or transfers the message to the receiver.

Message received: at this stage, the receiver gets the message.

Message decoded: the receiver decodes the message and attempts to interpret it. However, it is possible that the receiver incorrectly interprets the message, which can cause a communication breakdown.

Task 2

Role of Effective Communication

There is a significant role of communication in the healthcare services, especially between the healthcare professionals. Communication is committed to reflect on the different forms that can take health communication and training methods best suited to enable learning professionals to communicate effectively with their patients, colleagues and the public. Thus, the main categories are interpersonal communication including the patient-physician communication, communication with family and friends, and peer communication with other health stakeholders (Whitlock 2002 Pp. 267-284). The role of professional communication is extremely important. Healthcare professionals need to develop effective communication to improve quality of care and exchange information about the health conditions and treatment of the patients.

Role of Effective Communication between Professionals and Patients

The role of effective communication between professionals and patients is also significant. The success of any clinical practice depends on the quality of professionals ...
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