Effective Business Communication

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Effective Business Communication

Effective Business Communication


The word communication is derived from a Latin word 'communicare' which means to share or to participate or make something common. It is the process of exchanging the perceptions, ideas, thoughts and opinion that transmits between individuals or organizations. In other words it is the way of interaction that a firm or an individual follow to convey their feelings, ideas, and decisions. It is the ability of mankind that enables individuals and firms to communicate beyond the geographical boundaries and across all the communication barriers. It is the fast and effective way that has shrunk the world and makes the people to realize the globalization as a reality.

Communication is an inherent part of a business and requires a considerable amount of time from management and from employees too. A research indicates that people within the organization spend 50 to 90 percent of their time talking to people within and outside the organization. Business communication is a continuous process and it covers a wide range of activities. However, it is a complex process and includes the levels of communication operating at different levels ranging from informal communication to the formalized system. Business communication is concerned with the continuous flow of the correct information between the sender and the receiver. It encompasses a wide variety of people with whom an organization usually communicates both internally or externally according to its own business interest.Employees, suppliers, stakeholders, shareholders, partners are all examples of these.

Although businesses may have different ways in which they communicate but not all the approved methods can be used to produce a desired result. In fact it is necessary to take an appropriate way and channel to communicate to maximize the feedback because firms frequently came across an issue that most of mistakes in the communication were due to the inaccurate sharing of information that was irrelevant to the receiver and hence created complexity of the channel or it may be transmitted in the a manner that create confusion hence it is vey important to understand an appropriate technique according to the circumstances.

Similarly on the other node communication barriers are also a part of communication whether international or national or within the organizational premises. Business communication is influenced by the external factors which may be political, social or economic trends of the society and business environment which has changed and evolve the new perceptions for the business relationships. A successful business is expected to understand the underlying concepts of the business communication such as formal business meeting presentations and conflict resolution.


Objectives of business communication

Usually in every business core objectives of the business communication are same that mainly encompasses a series of activities that is necessary for the successful transmission of accurate knowledge between the sender and the receiver.

To identify the range of communication used for the business operational premises.

To encourage effective communication and identify the holes in the communication that is ineffective.

To identify the areas where the communication barriers can exist and can affect the communication process ...
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