Effect Of Video Game

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Effect of Video Game on College Student Academic Achievement and Aggression


The purpose of this research is study the effects effect of video game on college student academic achievement and aggression. For this purpose a survey was conducted in which 42 participants took part. Participants were 42 undergraduates from various universities, no of males and females were 25males and 27 females, 11 mathematics and science major; and 31 non math and science major, each researchers show 2 participants to ensure a diverse sample. The assumptions of the study were that there is a relationship between videogame playing and aggression and academic achievement; and this relationship vary across gender and majors taken. The study found that there is a significant relationship between videogame playing and aggression and academic achievement and it varies across the gender and majors.

Effect of Video Game on College Student Academic Achievement and Aggression


In the past few decades, interactive electronic media has grown from virtual non-existence to one of the primary means of entertainment for college students. In more recent years, the Internet has completely changed the landscape of electronic media from something individual and static into something with the potential to be interactive and social.  This paper examines the effects of increased student usage of traditional video games as well as online games. The demographics of the typical game player will be examined along with effects on the individual academic achievement (GPA score) and aggression level. To support his argument, Leonard Sax (2007) draws on the fact well established by research that violent video games cause aggressive behavior in the players. He argues that video games are so addictive because they satisfy the male need for power and control. To guard against the negative effects of video games, he offers practical guidelines for parents to follow: prohibit video games with graphic violence, especially those that depict killing police officers and noncombatant civilians; limit video games to forty minutes a day on school days and one hour on other days; and do not allow video games to displace other activities and priorities, such as family, schoolwork, and friends.


While video games are widely criticized for association with increased aggression, they also receive praise for their potential to instill high level problem-solving abilities that classrooms do not always address. Striking a balance between the positives and the negatives of the controversial pastime depends upon supervision over video game content and moderation of time spent on video game play.

Positive: Improvement of Problem-Solving Skills

Adapting to the world of each game and developing strategies to win also call for children to exercise logic and practice advanced thinking for problem-solving and strategy implementation within the confines of the game's rules. As highly valued skills in the job market, such strengths are essential to career advancement and real world success. Information consultant Mitch Wade stated that when he conducted a survey of professionals who had regularly played video games as children, he found that they were the individuals in business ...
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