Effect Of Marijuana On Teenagers' Life

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Effect of marijuana on teenagers' life


Marijuana is among the most commonly used drugs on the planet. Over the years the use of marijuana has been increased and especially among the teenagers. Marijuana is not perceived harmful by the students and research had proven the relation of increased used of marijuana with least harmful effect perceived. Students who used marijuana at school believed that they have improved control over themselves and are able to do the homework more effectively, pay more attention at the school and perform better in the class as compared to their class mates. The substance use is primarily attributed to the influence from the peers with whom an individual interacts or gain influence (Finn, p.4). Individuals associate themselves with these people and try to become like them and then they follow the habits of those peers. Individuals often use the marijuana because they want to be the part of a certain group of people with they want to associate them. Thus in order to fit in the group they have to adopt the behavior and habits of those students or peers so that they can be like one and make a space for themselves (Ali et al, p. 2). Marijuana provides sensational effects and slows down the brain activity which makes the individual relax. This soothing effect of the drug is the primary reason why the students are more attracted towards the substance use and later on the greed for increased use leads to substance abuse which had disastrous effects on the performance.


However the results are contrasting to what marijuana users believed. Marijuana use can damages the student involvement in school activity and his studies while at the same time the student won't be able to reach the academic proficiency for which teachers are working towards the ...
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