Educational Strategies For Asperger's Syndrome

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Educational Strategies for Asperger's Syndrome


There is currently no cure and no specific treatment for Asperger syndrome. However, early detection and intervention can help individuals with the condition to become adults who can live a relatively independent life. Therapies and management include interventions based communication, Behavioral therapy and changes in diet and lifestyle. In general medications have not shown much promise in the treatment of Asperger syndrome. Specific medications are used as well in patients with depressive symptoms, severe obsessions and obligations and thought disorders.

Educational Strategies for Asperger's Syndrome

Introduction to Topic

The purpose of this study is to identify the most effective learning environment for educational and social skill development for students with Asperger's Syndrome.

Summary of General Theme Observed Throughout Articles

Individuals suffering from Asperger's Syndrome relate better with adults than with their peers and have difficulty understanding rules. They are easily mocked and / or harassment by other students and are generally found alone. They tend to show a lack of empathy since they have difficulty in understanding the feelings of others and may therefore sometimes exercise inappropriate social behavior. They interpret phrases literally and do not understand jokes, irony, puns or sarcasm. Individuals suffering from Asperger's Syndrome need their environment to be predictable and prefer routines since they focus on their areas of interest and are isolated from their surroundings at most times. Individuals suffering from Asperger's Syndrome are fascinated by particular topics and avidly seek information on those subjects. They obsessively wonder and convulsively repeat certain actions and/or thoughts.

Annotated List of Articles

Article 1: Allard, J. & Harvey, C. (2004). Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises, Prentice Hall India, pp. 23-25.

The main purpose of this article is to explore the teaching strategies to deal with diversity within the classroom and the effective teaching strategies which could be adopted for the students of Asperger's Syndrome learning disorders. The diversity is increasing in the classrooms. Therefore, there is a great need that the educational institutes should take care of the diversity management within the classroom and should work to adopt the best strategies which could be helpful in the prevention of diversity in the classroom.

Article 2: Arredondo, P. (1996). Successful Diversity Management Initiatives: A Blueprint for Planning and Implementation, Sage, pp. 34-41.

The main purpose of this paper is to identify the most effective learning environment for educational and social skill development for students with Asperger's Syndrome. The students with Asperger's Syndrome face difficulties in learning; therefore, it is essential that the teachers should gain the knowledge of the best educational strategies through which the Asperger's syndrome students could enhance their knowledge and expertise.

Article 3: Brown, N. & Cardinal, L. (2007). Managing Diversity: Practices of Citizenship (Governance), University of Ottawa, pp. 45-61.

In this article the author states that those learners with the Asperger's syndrome manifest an overall delay of the whole learning process, showing slow, selflessness, impaired attention and concentration, all of which affect the overall performance. These features occur in children with normal development and immaturity in cognitive or verbal, causing ...
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