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Educational Research

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Educational Research

Educational Research


Research on teacher training and professional suggest reviewing the understanding of teacher's pedagogic practice, which is taken as professional knowledge. It is therefore considered that these, in his career, build and rebuild their expertise as the need for their use, their experiences, and professional training courses etc. It is believed that the investigation of this theme allows identifying a course of study developed with its own characteristics, but in tune with international trend in the context of research on teaching and on teachers.

The discussion on the topic arises internationally in the 1980s and 1990s. Among some of the reasons that contributed to their emergence is the movement of professionalization of teaching and its consequences for the issue of teachers' knowledge in the pursuit of a repertoire of knowledge, in order to ensure the legitimacy of the profession, with an extension from there either quantitatively as subsequently qualitative this field (Hodkinson, 2004). In the context of educational research, the issue of teacher knowledge has been an area somewhat recent, which is demanding studies under different approaches.

The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of how and when the issue of teacher knowledge appears in research on teacher education in educational literature; subsequently, identifying the different theoretical and methodological approaches that underlie the approaches and typologies used and created by researchers.


The development of research, considering the complexity of teaching practice and teacher knowledge, seek to rescue the teacher's role, highlighting the importance of thinking about training in an approach that goes beyond the academic, personal development involving professional and organizational teaching profession.

Appearance and Characteristics of the Debate at the National Level

In this context, research on teacher education and teacher knowledge arise with international brand of intellectual production, with the development of studies that use a theoretical-methodological approach that gives voice to the teacher, from the trajectory analysis, life stories etc. According to (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004), this new approach came in contrast to previous studies that ended up reducing the teaching profession to a set of skills and techniques, creating an identity crisis of teachers due to a separation between the professional self and personal self. This turn in the investigations started having the teacher as the central focus in studies and debates, considering how the “way of life” personal ends up interfering with the professional. The author adds that this movement emerged "a pedagogical universe, an amalgam of wills to produce another type of knowledge, closer to the realities of everyday life and education of teachers.

Started to study the constitution of teaching taking into account the different aspects of its history: individual, professional etc... It is clear, then, a “turning point” in the studies that come to recognize and consider the knowledge constructed by the teachers, which was not previously considered. This perspective to analyze the training of teachers, based on the value of these is that the studies on teacher knowledge gain momentum and begin to appear in the literature, in a quest to identify the ...
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