Educational Refrom

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Educational Refrom

Learning is largely a voluntary act that requires the student a great deal of effort and motivation, while it may be a simple act of improving skills and competences when learning producing activities are conducted in a pleasant and stimulating context, in which the job is perceived as attractive challenge because it displayed the interesting consequences of success (Felder, p103).

Authoritarian Learning versus Reciprocal Learning

Each teacher at the beginning of its activity faces a number of challenges, effective solution that is intended to have a positive impact on the entire pedagogical process. This also applies to the organization of training time, and the right, logical presentation of material, and the pace of the lesson. However, these problems are eliminated with the accumulation of teaching experience or on the basis of previous observations of experienced teachers. Fundamental points required for an adequate perception of the material can be considered his style of presenting the style of behavior of the teacher and the nature of his/her communication with the students.

Particularly relevant is the issue now, as in the transformation process is the whole environment surrounding higher education. The teacher is free to use one of the suits his style, or mix them as needed, but we must remember that the progressive development of education may be hampered by a variety of social and political phenomena that can not only reduce the rate of development of educational relations, but drop them far back, so is style of teaching must meet educational objectives of the university and to be as efficient as possible (Felder, p103).

Authoritarian Learning

The authoritarian style is associated with excessive exaggeration of the role the teacher who usually decides all questions without considering the opinion of students. The authoritarian style suppresses their initiative and independence. The teaching methods are not explanations and beliefs, and methods of enforcement, which often lead to the opposite result. Characterized by authoritarian rigidity, it is dominated by demands on the student (their real possibilities in the background), the tone of speech categorically, impatient of opposition (Felder, p103). This teacher is a firm believer that negative emotions better in promoting work and so rarely praises students, and more abuses. Clearly knows how to plan and requires the same from his\her subordinates. Of course, the choice of teaching style often depends on the psychological characteristics of the individual teacher, but in some cases, a conscious, purposeful, and only in this role serves to facilitate learning. An example of this can be lectures, group counseling, and any other kind of training, method or technique training, where there are, as mentioned above, the "silent students and oratory teacher (Felder, p286)."

Nevertheless it is obvious that in authoritarian teaching methods to ensure effective own, independent, thinking type of cognition educational information of each entity in the group exercise is fundamentally impossible. After all, the purpose and learning curve, composition and volume of the content of the educational information, timing, strategy and tactics, pace teaching plans and sets the subject of ...
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