Educational Reflections

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Educational Reflections

Discussion & Analysis

This emphasizes the socio-historical nature of education and the need to express the time in education in the life of a people. The methods, which are appropriate, are conditioned by the circumstances in which they are expressed, hence the harmfulness of the copy of theories, methods and procedures that are outside the culture, history and the concrete reality of a people.

The educational process is developed as a system to influence all members of that society, involving training in these, of all cognitive, affective and volitional personality, ie the formation of their thoughts, feelings, skills, abilities , interests, values, beliefs, etc.., consistent with the training demands imposed by the socio-historical context. This is a comprehensive process that takes place in the institution, the family, political organizations and mass media, or society as a whole.

The institution, school, belongs the leading role of the Education of new generations and is the center of its execution. This must be a graduate who meets certain qualities that allow them to face a set of situations, which are modified by the action of the graduate, which will be based on science or branch of knowledge that has dominated the educational process, whose main object is the man for the job in a social context, so it should be a process and scientific work, which will succeed in obtaining a graduate independent and creative (Radestock, pp.37).

The educational process developed at the school is a professional process, educational, nature based on the systematic and theoretical pedagogical conception widespread and intentionally aimed at preparing social subjects to life and first for the job. This process consists of several key components: objectives, content, methods, the way the media and evaluation. It is a process determined by the solution to the problem or social custom, which establishes a relationship between society and the educational process, as a matter of law, is social in nature and develops a conscious and planned (Jesse, pp.58).

The educational process, in the most systematic, addresses the social formation of new generations and in it, the student is instructed, the instruction being the key tool to educate, from which the subjects in this process are appropriated knowledge and develop skills, and learn to work while in school and use the methods of science as a fundamental method of teaching, learning and work, are elements that guide the teaching process from Cuba to be two basic ideas Marti's ideology or guiding, instructive about the process.

In the educational process is expressed as the union between instructive and educational, from a dialectical relationship between the instruction: that is the result of assimilation by the student for the content of teaching and education, that is training in the student of more stable traits of his personality.

When entering the understanding of this process is that its specificity lies in the relationship between two subjects or main actors of the same: the teacher and the student (who are active subjects) form a relationship which emerges a fundamental contradiction ...
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