Educational Psychology

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Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology


Education psychology is one of the many disciplines in the vast subject of psychology which mainly focuses on understanding how people actually learn. The people are continually inquisitive regarding the learning methods for hundreds and thousands of years, where educational psychology arose in the 1800s, as a different scientific discipline. Progression in this field is taking place constantly and incessantly, counting in intervallic reversals of earlier stated endings. Some well known psychologists who have carried out research in this subject are B.F. Skinner and Jean Piaget etc. This field includes a number of regulations from psychology. The educational psychologists are pretty much attracted in studying the psychology of development, which examines the phases of human progression and the methods which can force the progress, and they are also involved in behavioral and social psychology, and also the abnormal psychology. Hence, educational psychology is subject matter to a number of moral restrictions which can create experiments demanding, with several research psychologists in this subject using examination and observation as a device to boost knowledge. (Carpenter & Haddan, 1964)

An area of concentration in educational psychology is the understanding of the attainment of knowledge, with specific attention on populations who get hold of the knowledge in abnormal ways, like children with developmental disabilities, gifted children, and autistic children. Also, the people in this field are usually interested in observing the roles of the school environment and how the social world of a school impacts learning and education. He can also work on progressing new treatment procedures or aiding teachers build up customized teaching plans for unusual students. Few educational psychologists carry out their tasks in the school environment, giving support to children and assisting faculty members and members with the assessment of children who appear to be having problematic in school. Educational psychologists can also help by working as consultants helping people for planning more effective environments and schools learning, teaching instructors regarding the newest developments in this field, and appraise individual concerned children by demand from schools or parents. (Thorndike, 1929)


The three significant learning experiences that I have had during my professional career are:

I have learnt and experienced that whether you are pursuing your educational or professional career, motivation is the key to success. Hence for achieving my work objectives I remind myself some educational psychology lessons that offer instructions for getting motivated. In order to boost my motivational levels when advancing a task, I make use of some of the following instructions resulting from research in educational and cognitive psychology:

Introducing novel or new elements to keep my interest up.

Diverging the orders and sequences to help prevent boredom.

Learning new things that are built on your existing knowledge.

Setting clear goals that are openly related to the job.

Rewarding myself for a job well done.

I have also learnt that good leadership skills guarantee your success in any field of life. Having good leadership skills helps a lot in achieving your targets but the fact is, not everyone is a born leader. However, if we gleaned a few simple tips ...
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