Educational Preparation

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Educational Preparation

Educational Preparation


The environment of a classroom serves as a motivational factor for the students. Motivation is a major aspect which influences the interest of the students. The way in which a classroom is organized and designed, also makes an impact on the students. A classroom can become a very cheerful and fun place to be if it is managed correctly (Neil, 2002). A class which involves colorful pictures, interaction and communication brings enthusiasm in the students. Every student is different, some like visual exploration, while some like to remain in a quiet place. A classroom must be designed and organized in a way where all the students feel comfortable and motivated towards their studies (Harris, 1999).

In this paper, I will discuss how my school supports, validates and adheres to the standards and best practices which have been observed in different classrooms and research articles.

Classroom Environment

Classroom environment is an important factor in the learning phase of a student. Following are some of the elements which make up the environment of a classroom.

Classroom Organization

The organization of a classroom is an essential part, which includes the climate development to encourage the students to take interest and do their best in whatever they are studying. According to the observation of the classroom and student's behavior, in a colorful and bright classroom, the students are happy and they are more inclined to return to their classroom (Duke, 1979). The performance of the students in a properly organized and motivated environment is usually high as compared to the students studying in a typical classroom.

In my school, all the classrooms are organized in a way to facilitate and for the convenience of both the teachers and the students. In all the classes, the teachers maintain an encouraging and motivational environment. The teacher always encourages the work of the students and appreciates their efforts. As per my observation, the students work even harder if their work is appreciated by the teachers (Jones, 1996). Another major observation is that when the teacher show the work of the student to others. This act motivates and encourages the student as he feels proud that his work is being showed to so many other people. It also motivates the other students to work harder to achieve this type of appreciation. This is exactly what happens in my school. If a student performs or creates something exceptional, his work is put on display so that it gives him encouragement and provides motivation for the other students, as well.

Another method in which the teachers encourage the students' effort is through specific praise, telling students specifically what it is that they are doing that is worthwhile and good. In combination an understanding of the value of academic tasks and the effort necessary to complete these tasks motivate students to learn. This creates an organized and well established environment of the classroom. If the teacher is appreciative and supportive, the students automatically start admiring the ...
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