Educational Leadership

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Educational Leadership

Table of contents


Importance of Moral leadership In Organization3


Moral Leadership in Schools (Shrag)8


Sample's Profile & Background11

Data Collection Method12

Interview Responses15

Research Methodology16



My Opinion22



Importance of Moral Leadership in Organization

In an authoritarian style of leadership, one individual is usually in change of overlooking plans and keeping the workforce motivated. The leader will tell their employees what they want done as well as how they should go about doing it, but do not consult them or console them in case of any problems arising. An appropriate situation in which to use an authoritative style of leadership would be when a small workforce is present and all the information needed in order to provide solutions for a problem are available. An authoritative style of leadership should also be utilized if one is short on time and there is a critical problem in need of an immediate solution. Bad leaders are often prone to using an authoritative style for a dictatorship method, and use demeaning language or use oppressive means of power and abuse. Threats and demeaning language would be a main characteristic of such leaders. Thus it may not be a style of leadership that is suited for everyone. At times when commitment and motivation from the employees is required, effective authoritative leaders are able to get a lot done in a short amount of time but if the title is given to someone who exploits their position and uses it to boss others around, the problem could escalate rather than being solved.

Greenfield, in his article defines moral leadership as our interactions with people in context of being seen in a positive or negative light. Morals are taught to individuals as fundamentals as they are growing up but unfortunately, as we grow older more and more morals are forgotten in lieu of what is more advantageous to our persons. Moral leadership concerns our behavior through one on one interaction as well as any interactions that may require us to deal with others in some way. Morality is simply how we relate to other; this it includes our interactions with others as well as ourselves. The respect we give to each other when we engage in conversation or any kind of communication with another is a vital trait of morality. Untoward and negative actions such as verbal abuse, harassment, stealing or any other form of negative habit that affects other people is immoral and is highly discouraged when one lives in a civilized society. In terms of leadership in organizations, there needs to be a strict adherence to practiced and appropriate behaviors that further distinguishes the leadership qualities in an individual. It has been observed that many leaders seem to be unaware of the motivation underlying the behavior they exhibit in organizations which impacts employees a lot more than they originally believe. Once leaders become aware of their behavior and its positives and negatives, they can consciously work in it and bring about a clear and deliberate ...
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