Educational Leadership

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Educational leadership

Educational Leadership


In this assignment we will be looking briefly into various things that are involved in the simulation based learning, its strengths and weaknesses and how it helps learning in the modern world since it has been observed to be used very frequently in specific areas, the need of an effective leader who can efficiently maintain the team and lead it. There are issues that rise in this subject while conveying the message we want to look deeply into it. understanding the educational leadership by Sergiovanni and the different styles of leadership that are capable of coordinating in learning and identifying that which are the most effective styles of leadership that can be used or applied. Simulation learning can be a very different experience compared to the normal learning; this will provide us a chance for understanding it in a better way. Although it can be seen that in today's world simulation has a number of significant uses that includes entertainment, training, education, research and analysis design, we will see how it contributes towards education and helps the leaders. And it is clearly visible that the level of skills required in the 21st century is very demanding because of the constantly changing nature. T

here is a need for framework that can be accurate for learning of 21st century and that is the reason that educational leadership has to go through certain challenges. Participants needs leading where it is necessary since some of them don't have the capability of working on their own, this can act as guidance for working more efficiently and proving positive results because of the fact that the nature of the problems are changing, economic and social backdrop are being evolved in order to fulfill the newer requirements of the population.

Effectiveness of the leadership can be observed if the performance of the education leaders is being constantly strengthened basically the educators this will result in improving the capabilities of the students that is very necessary during the simulation. Therefore, effective leadership is required for the teachers and students to improve the performance.

Simulation defined

Simulation can be known as technique of duplicating the behavior of a certain system or situation (Mechanical, economic etc) with the help of an apparatus, situation, or an analogous model for gathering information usually to for the convenience of training the personnel. However defining simulation can be a bit problematic, provided by a number of perspectives from the users. The advantages of simulations are getting increasingly recognized with the e-learning market.

Simulations can also be defined as the artificial environments which are carefully developed for managing individuals incidents of reality. For example, Jones (1998, p.329) describes simulations in terms of exercise that involves “reality of function in a simulated environment”. One of the significant features of simulations and various synthetic learning environments (for ex. Virtual reality) known as “the ability to manage, create, replace and/or augment a learners authentic experience within the world by offering embedded instructional and realistic content ...
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