Educational Guidelines To Nurse Practitioners

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Educational Guidelines to Nurse Practitioners

Educational Guidelines to Nurse Practitioners


The act of teaching traditional approaches in education comes some time ago, have lost for new practices, the new proposals. The emphasis the behavioral objectives and the kind of teaching-centered professor and content give rise to one whose focus is teaching the student. The teacher-student relationship is thought horizontally, in which both are learners. Teaching becomes an instance of communication

The class, for example, is a space that performs a joint working to, i.e., the teacher and students. John Anderson forward new proposals and for- paradigms and, therefore, challenges, obvious- mind, are faced The nursing education, forward new proposals and direction curriculum Characterized to present major challenges, considering that occurs both in level of classroom and laboratory as at the level of practice in health institutions (Board of nursing, 2009). The institutions still maintain health, via rule, positions very supported paradigms reductionist and professional physicians and administrators whose speeches, although propagate centrality of the patient, the emphasis on subjectivity and humanizes of health, evidence postures fragmentary.

The patient still is an object of knowledge and profit. Technology is another factor that, on one hand, it has benefits, but on the other, accentuates objectification, fragmentation, standardization of experiences, subjectivity Proposals for an education focusing on curriculum and teaching more humanistic approaches prioritize care, which in their nature and the way it is and suggested considering the difficulties mentioned above, is a challenge (Anonymous, 2003).

Caring in the world today is a challenge, so educate for care also. This paper presents some reflections and reviews about education and teaching nursing and trends present, emphasizing a teaching-centered care. The care is included in the check educational proposals though not under that name; however they reflect the sense of human care. In order to cover these proposals, the suggestions are renewed, revised values, changing attitudes and teacher training. Through a centered teaching in care, students will have the opportunity to develop, with a very- more likely to postures ethical. The environment which focuses care as the central focus by being in an environment people (students, teachers) is help in order to develop potential and grow.


Trends in Education

One aspect that has been re- Percussion in education says concerns an inspired work for Report output prepared by the Inter- National Education for the XXI century. The authors suggest that education is organized around four learning called fundamental. Those learning should CIAR individuals along the vi- of constituting themselves into "pillars of knowledge." Apprenticeships are mentioned in a synthetic:

1) Learning to know (or learning to learn) signifies is awakening to the pleasure of know, understand, des- cover, build and rebuild knowledge;

2) Learning to do - covers development of competencies and skill in the use of technology and its applicability in modern life, observing interpersonal relationships;

3) Learning to live together - means the pursuit of personal wholeness observing the characteristics individual and relationship with others;

4) Learning to be - including the des- covered himself as individual and as ...