Education Plan For Breast Cancer

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Education Plan for Breast Cancer

Education Plan for Breast Cancer


One of the most common diseases found in women is cervical and breast cancer. Breast cancer not only affects the women with sufficient fundamentals of life, but also the women living in the families of low income. Such women cannot afford the treatment of breast cancer. Moreover, they cannot go even for examination and testing of their conditions. With respect to this condition, it is necessary to educate such women about the preventive measures, treatments plans and guidance for acquiring the insurance to be treated. The main aim of the educational plan for the women of ethnic groups is to convince the patients to continue the treatment and cope the stress by acknowledging the causes of stress.

Statistics of Breast Cancer

According to the report of Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (2013), breast cancer is one of most common types of cancer in women regardless of ethnicity and race. Moreover, it is the most frequent reason of death in case of Hispanic women. Whereas; the secondary reason of death in the women of American Indian native, pacific or Asian islander, black and white. CDC evaluated that the number of women diagnosed with breast cancer in the year of 2010 was 206,966. About 41 thousand women died out of this number in the same year. The reports also highlighted the change in the rate of breast cancer incidence as well as death with respect to various states of America.

Figure 1 Rate of Death in States of America (

Population of Patients

The target population comprises of the women diagnosed with breast cancer. Women are poor and no possess any insurance for health, and have low level of education. They relate to the ethnic groups living in America. Most of the women were African American and Spanish. Due to insufficient resources, they cannot get the proper treatment and remain untreated tolerating pain. These women are in need of proper awareness concerning the treatment, preventive measures as well as the precautions to be carried out in during the therapy. In presence of such reasons, most of the women do not get treatment or leave the treatment incomplete.

Areas to Target for Intervention

The most important aspect, in providing care as well as in developing the educational plan for the patients of breast cancer, is to consider the preferences and needs of the patients. It is very important to inform the patients and their families about the high risk of the disease. The participation of patients in making decisions regarding treatment plan is highly significant (Lally et al, 2009). There are certain conditions in which patients cannot make appropriate decision such as the patients with no health insurance, low level of education and emotionally ill. In this case, the health care providers including nurses must consider and comprehend the issues of patients, reasons of depression and should endeavor to resolve those issues.

Educational Plan Tailored

With the help of guidance provided by Sharma & Romas (2012), the selected educational plan ...