Education Law In Us And Beyond

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Education Law in US and beyond

Education Law in US and beyond

Topic 1

Education advocacy is a specialized field in the area of legal consultancy. Several strategies are made to address the issue of eduction advocacy in the field of special education law. The practice and history of education law enables the people to understand the procedure of representing the people with disabilities especially the students and their families while practicing the the education advocacy organizations and institutions need to create collaboration between the organizations and the children in order to provide free law and legal services to those families of students who are low income and seek for the appropriate and higher educational services. The overall purpose of education is a diverse perspective that includes the development and enhancement of personality and the compliance with the societal laws and norms. The education provides us with the thinking and reasoning abilities which we cannot learn without education (Coffield, 2008).

The educated person has a broad perspective of life and the understanding of the reason of his or her existence in this world. In this way, the person strives to achieve the best in their lives in order to lead a better life in this world. Usually, the organizations require educated people to work for them because they know the potential of the educated person. The work and job of an educated person cannot be done by an uneducated an unskilled person. Skills may get you a job but education will help in developing your value in the workplace and in the society. The educated people are more confident than the uneducated people. However, the pride is not a justifiable action by educated people because education tells us to be down to earth rather than dreaming of being in the sky (Kant, 2003). In this way, the special education law and the education advocacy would lead to the attainment of better jobs for the people in the society. Schools are a platform for children to develop a foundation for their future life regarding the learning process, understanding critical things and concepts and make efficient and educated decisions in their life. Schools provide basic education to the children which they cannot get at their homes. Even if the children are setup tuition at their homes, they cannot develop their personality in the introvert environment. This concept leads towards the purpose of the existence of school that they not only provide basic education but also defines the personality of the children through discipline and proper working practices (Cubberly, 2004). The educational advocates are requiring setting up the proper institutions in the society along with the strategies to promote the education in the society. The parents of the children would get a guidance and support from the legal advocacy organizations and consultancy firms so that the children and their families would be supported and they will respond to the educational needs of the low income families and their children. This is the process in which the ...
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