Education In The United States

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Education in the United States

Description of problem

Education sector is the most important domain in any country; one that makes its citizens productive and constructive. While, in the United States, this sector is flourishing and progressing; there are still some problems that need adequate attention from the authorities. Education is a fundamental base in society, but most of the time we came upon a poor quality of it and unfortunately, in the country reflected a strong academic lag, and it is necessary to consider what factors influence the poor quality education, to be generated this conceptual lag.

This present paper discusses some factors that cause poor quality of education, because it is of great importance to the future knowing we are not surprised that this situation is incredible to eradicate basic education. It will address an approach to social behavior of adolescents and, how it affects school, and it should be recalled that at this stage are young we work. For this reason, it is necessary to know something about their behavior and changes they undergo, for understanding, knowledge, and guidance and may help to better understand the changes that are going through (Battistich 1997, 87).

Nature of Problem

One of such problems that are contributing towards academic deficiencies is the gender insensitivity and sexual discrimination within schools and high schools. In some or all of the educational activities including extracurricular and sporting activities, girls are either being suppressed or not being given their outstanding share. This problem leads to inefficiencies in the environment and inclusive schooling system. This problem needs to be sorted out as developing countries boost of being equal to all of society. No gender should have a preference over the other and everyone should enjoy a common position and status within the educational premises.

Discrimination against women in education, unfortunately, persists in career and technical education, math and science programs, and athletics, to name a few. Adding insult to injury, women of color often face double discrimination—on the basis of both sex and race or national origin—as do disabled women and older women. This problem is persistent within a majority of schools, high schools and universities within the western world and has led to quite a lot of worries for those involved. This does not ensure equality within the schools and women end up abandoning their careers and professional goals with the fear of being discriminated.

At such times when the U.S. is struggling to maintain its superiority in the academic field of science, technology, engineering and other subjects, it is high time that women's participation within these domains. According to the National Science Foundation, the number of women who received undergraduate degrees in computer and information sciences fell to 28 percent in 1999 from a high of 37 percent in 1984. A recent General Accounting Office report shows that in 2000 women constituted only 20 percent of students receiving bachelor's degrees in engineering. Such a situation clearly shows that women have not been yet given their share of participation in the ...
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