King Abdullah Scholarships Program & Higher Education Prospects in Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah Scholarships Program & Higher Education Prospects in Saudi Arabia
Until 1999, Saudi Arabia boasted eight major universities and a number of colleges. She was subsequently initiated a policy of expansion in the number of faculty and graduate courses. The education system in Saudi Arabia is primarily under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education and the General Organization for Technical Education and Vocational Training. The highest authority that oversees education in Saudi Arabia is the Supreme Committee for the educational policy, established in 1963. This discussion will attempt to highlight opportunities for Saudis to continue their education beyond the Bachelor's degree in the KSA, USA or other countries.
The Brisbane Communiqué signed by 26 countries in Asia and the Pacific (also including Turkey, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and China) is a direct response to the same European convergence process and intends to remain open future possibility of compatibility with existing initiatives, such as the processes of Bologna and Copenhagen. Institutions of higher education are the highest level of education in Saudi Arabia. They offer accredited study programs at three levels: Bachelor, master and PhD.
Research Methodology
Saudi Arabia has in recent years offered more options for international students seeking degrees. Arabian Campus is a portal dedicated to training in all the countries of the Gulf, includes a section on study opportunities in Saudi Arabia (Alshehri, Alshehri & Erwin 2012). In Saudi Arabia there are many restrictions on women in education and training: the percentage of women in education has been increasing since 1960. However, many departments are intended only to a male audience, including engineering, journalism, and architecture. Women are not allowed to study law and become a lawyer because their presence in court is not tolerated.
The universities mentioned only five are open to students: King Saud University, King Abdul-Aziz University, King Faisal University, Umm Al-Qura University, Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University. The master is the completion of a training program for college access and must be in possession of a Bachelor's degree (Denman & Hilal, 2011). To facilitate the recognition of their university studies may require the Italian diploma supplement. The enrollment form can be made directly to the universities. The criteria for acceptance of applications depend on the regulations of each university but generally require the Honors degree.
Some of the most popular master in Saudi Arabia is in areas such as finance, marketing, management technology. Another opportunity to study abroad can be a Ph.D., defined PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy. Normally the PhD is achieved only by research and thesis: this means that the student will not attend courses but devote to the research and study. In special cases, subject to the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies, PhD thesis can be co-supervised by two speakers (Al-Rubaish, 2011). The need for a joint supervision must be, however, motivated by the particular subject of the thesis such as to involve more than one ...