Education In Cambodia

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Education in Cambodia

Education in Cambodia


Education is essential to ensure economic development. It is necessary for the economy to provide effective education to people, which will eventually help the country to develop better human resource that will contribute in increasing the production and output of the economy and hence adding to economic growth ( Thus, it is significant for countries to make certain that they provide effective education opportunities to the economy. In Cambodia an increasing concern for the government is to educate its people (

In the early 1900 education did not progress rapidly, the French colonial rulers did not consider educating the Khmer as an important issue. However later gaining independence from the French rule Prince Norodom Sihanouk made substantial progress in the education field in the year 1950s and 1960s ( There were establishments of teacher-training centers and universities, however the progress did not sustain for longer and obstructed by the Khmer Rouge Regime. Thus, after which during 1970s and 1980s the economy experienced serious educational crisis especially in the rural areas (AECT, 2004). The country did not have a national curriculum framework, along with this it also had an inadequate book supply systems, and a high pupil dropout rate in primary school. However, in the later years, by 1980s the country experienced massive expansion of education by implementing comprehensive primary schooling strategy (

Education Problems in Cambodia

Cambodia has been experiencing several educational problems, in order to determine effective strategies that should be implemented by the government to ensure educational development in the country, it is crucial to examine the shortcomings of the education system of the country ( Thus, to expand the horizon of developing effective technology and investment that are required to ensure development in the education system of the country it is essential to examine the current ...
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