Education And Research

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Education and Research

Education and Research


Education refers to the process is learning. In health care system, learning is an essential process. I have taken the continued nursing education as my topic of research. The reason why I chose nursing profession is that nurses are the vital elements of the health care system. In the past few years, the profession has been subjected to a number of major changes with the introduction if brand new techniques and new roles of leadership.

In order to study the topic and modify my research, I conducted an interview of a clinical nurse leader in a nearby hospital. This assignment is based on the information gathered from that interview and the research conducted on the topic using peer reviewed journal articles and scientific researches of the experts. The assignment provides the basic concept of the interview with the summary of the data gathered and analyzes the current trends and their effects on the profession.


Continued Nursing Education

The area education and research I have chosen are the continued education in health care professionals. To further explain the area of research, I have taken the continued education in the nursing profession. Nurses are the prime factors in providing the primary health care services to patients. With the modernization in the health care system, this profession is subjected to advancements. In order to comply with these advanced processes and brand new trends that are affecting the nursing profession and its services, it is necessary that the nurses should get proper education and training. Usually when a nurse enters the profession, they focus on their duties, but they do not think about continuing their education as per the requirements of the modern era. The most common reason is the shortage of nursing professionals, workload and lack of awareness.

In order to practice a health care service delivery that is free of errors and provides the patient with optimum chances of safe and health survival, it is vital that the concept of continuing education should be adopted (Hotvedt, Laskowski, 2002). As the department of world health organization states, in order to provide optimum health care services, is essential that the health care professionals should remain updated (WHO, 2013).


In order to understand the concept of continued nursing education and its importance in practice, I have conducted an interview with a clinical nurse working in a hospital. In order to maintain the anonymity of the hospital and the nurse, I will call the hospital ABC and nurse, Miss. A.

Background of the Interview

The interviewee is a clinical nurse leader in the hospital. She was appointed 2 years ago when the hospital faced some problems regarding the management and training of the nursing staff. The interviewees Miss. A holds masters degree in the science of nursing, and she has an experience of 3 years in a well-known hospital. However, she left the job as she has to move to a different state due to her husband's posting.

Question 1:

What are the primary responsibilities of a nurse and what ...
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