Education And Learning Theories

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Education and Learning Theories

Education and learning theories

Theories of Education

There are several psychological theories about human behavior. The 'internalism' postulates that the causes of behavior are based in the inner man, either in your body or in your mind - the memories or emotions. Skinner, proposing radical behaviorism is opposed to this view, blaming the environment by human conduct, thus treading a similar path to that of Cybernetics. "Cognitive learning is focusing on cognition (knowledge), affective learning is dealing more experiences such as pleasure and pain, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, joy or anxiety, psychomotor learning which engages more muscle responses acquired through training and practice. "Theories express relationships between concepts, but are more comprehensive, involving many concepts and principles. Underlying theories are systems of values ??which are called philosophies or worldviews. For learning theories are three underlying philosophies, the behaviorist (behaviorism), humanistic and cognitive (constructivism). " The texts show that comes to the Behaviorist Theory, also called Behaviorist and the Cognitivist (cognitione term originates from the Latin which can be translated as knowledge), this is done by storing information organized in memory of the learner bringing the subject to a 'cognitive structure. " In the behaviorist approach, the emphasis is controllable and observable behaviors, such as responses to external stimuli. Maintains that behavior is controlled by its consequences and underlying the "programmed instruction" in the 60s and 70s which influences teaching until the present day. The philosophy emphasizes Cognitivist cognition, knowing, as humans know the world, studying mental processes, that is, as we know. Deals with the attribution of meaning, understanding, processing, storage and use of information. Perception, problem solving, decision making, understanding etc. Stresses the fact constructivism is cognitive and interpretationist. The human being has the creative ability to interpret and represent the world, not only to respond to it. Here the student is no longer seen as a mere receiver of knowledge and passes be considered an agent of building their cognitive structure At Humanist philosophy, the author emphasizes the learner, self-realization of the person. Beyond the intellect, considers feelings and actions. The teaching that rests on the affective domain is "student-centered" originating calls "open schools". At the end of the introduction proposes a scheme for the main theoretical approaches to learning and teaching as well as their theoretical and more known.

Behaviorist theory has long been a force in classroom management. This disciplinary method centers on the subject's response to stimulus such as rewards and punishments. Educators sometimes refer to this practice as "the carrot and stick" approach. While criticized by some as too mechanistic an approach, behaviorism remains a common technique at the elementary level.

Behaviorism and education

The behaviorist theories support a positive outlook and the almighty education, wherein the base is the organization of the situations through the selection and association of stimuli. At the school level, students explain these acquisitions from external events, such as teaching methods and characteristics stimulating school environment and family. Still place the emphasis on strengthening as a determinant of ...