Education- American History

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Education- American History

Education- American History

Pedro de Castaneda de Najera on the Search for the Seven Cities of Cibola

The search of the seven cities or Relación de la jornada de Cíbola is the book written by Pedro de Castañeda de Nájera. The main point of the author in this book is the explanations of Coronado expeditions relating to the search of seven cities that are present in the Cibola. The expedition of Cibola took place in 1540. The author has provided an account of the expeditions of Cibola and the settlements that took place during the time and the customs and ceremonies that were held at that time. The understating of the expedition of Cíbola is helpful for us being the students of American history. It provides a detailed account of the American history and the concepts and culture related to it. The author has explained the expeditions in a very different manner that is through the interactive language involving both formal and informal context of writing. For the ease of understanding, the author has divided the book into three main parts.

The first part deals with the explanation of the historical context in relation to the expedition of Cíbola. He started with the Nuño de Guzman who discovered the Cibola for the first time and provided the information regarding the seven cities. After that several voyagers came to the area to conduct further research on the topic which are carefully described in the book Relación de la jornada de Cíbola. The second part defines the actions by the provinces and the high villages of Cíbola along with the explanation of their customs and habits based on the data collected by the author. In the last section, the author has described the affect of winter on Francisco Vazquez Coronado and the situation which caused him to return back to Spain and give up the expedition (Pedro de Castañeda de Nájera, 2002).

The Jamestown Fiasco by Edmund S. Morgan

The main points of the author in the article Jamestown Fiasco is that it defines the invasion of the Jamestown located in Virginia, United States. The colony of Jamestown invaded and tortured the land of Indians. The reason for invasion was that the people who were settled in the Virginia were not able to produce the crop and therefore they had to rely on the food of Indians. These issues were persistent among the people of the colony for around ten years and they suffered a lot due to these problems. For this reason, the people of the colony founded the land and built a fort in the land which was named as Jamestown. Morgan has described the issues that were prevalent among the Indian people regarding the possession of the land. This article is helpful for the students of American history to analyze the situations of invasion in the historical context. I have a question from the author that what is the impact of the invasion of land on the psychological well ...
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