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Education is the reason of development in an individual. Education is the infrastructure on which the personality and life of a person depends, there are no barriers of age for seeking education. A person either is one year old or is 100 years of age can seek education in which ever subject he or she wants. Many years ago in several societies' men were encouraged to get more education as compared to girls but over the time eradication of difference between male and female have enabled females to get equal education opportunities as compared to males. It is through education that people are able to judge the intelligence of a person and how much he or she is successful in his or her life. The report will provide an analysis of the benefits along with the drawbacks of getting education from a university. It will also help in analysing the effect on the labour market of getting education and which level of education will enable you to get a certain level of job. The report will also help in understanding that how getting a degree can enable a person achieve the top level in his or her life, it enables a person to provide contribution in improving the skills of the student at school level, providing a support for his or her family and how education enhances the personality of a person in terms of confidence, time management and making his or her life disciplined.


According to Alves (2010) the changing environment all over the world has also affected the education sector. The increasing changes by the educational institutes have increased the competition among the different educational institutes and the students who want to get more education then the other student. The seeking of Education does not stop after a student has completed his or her school but it is the beginning of the professional education that is important for attaining an employment opportunity in order to lead a healthy and prosperous life. In recent times many of the Universities operational in the European region have brought changes in their education system and have adopted ways in order to make an easy way of obtaining the higher level of education. After a student's school or college finishes, the time starts for him to get the highest level of education which enables him to achieve his or her goals or objectives. Thus the European Universities understanding the importance of the higher education has applied a Bologna Agreement which has made the accessibility of higher education easier for the students in which ever university they want to get educated according to the requirements of the courses available in a university. Recently there has been a decline observed among the students in order to get higher education. According to Brooks and Evertt (2009) they have mentioned in their article a research on adult's priorities and motivations towards getting higher education. The authors have taken into consideration recent research studies to explore the impact of ...
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