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Empirical Study on Assisting Non-Native English Speaker to Use Three Different Systems

Empirical Study on Assisting Non-Native English Speaker to Use Three Different Systems


English has become the most widely used language in business and science, across the world (Kochmar, 2011, pp.7). However, for non-native speakers it is difficult to fully master in this language, as they do not use English in their daily life which could makes them understand it more or adapted to it. Thus, the non-native English speakers have to face different challenges and demands for learning this language. In order to meet these challenges and demands, these speakers learn and speak English by using three different systems i.e. static system, customized system, and adaptive system.

Static system is about the word and its meaning memorization, customized system is related to customizing the learning style as feasible, and finally, the adaptive system is an automated system which tells about the errors or mistakes, and time spent on each word, recommends the better word to be memorize, and also recommends about which system is better to be used among the other two. This system is cognitive and allows a person to adapt with the better learning system in an intelligent way.


Static System

One of the systems that non-native English speakers use is static system, which is words and its meanings. The non-native English speakers memorize more words and its meaning, like studying from dictionary, in order to learn English. When a student get to know more words used in text, it will be feasible for him/her to comprehend more easily. Thus, the more words non-native English speakers know, the better it will be for them to read and understand text by decoding (

Non-native English speakers may not know the meaning of some or many words of English because it is not their everyday spoken language; it is a second language for them. Some words in reading material, particularly close to home words like window pane, attic, words for domestic activities, or names of common things, may not known and understood by non-native English speakers because they don't have the need to acquire this vocabulary. Thus, they learn English as adults, either through English language classes or in the workplace. Therefore, when the need arise they use static system to learn and understand this language (

By using static system, non-native English speakers memorise single words, like reading from dictionary. These single words are important for them in order to be familiar with basic single words in everyday conversation, for example and, because, for, and others. However, they haven't often learned the single words that are use in higher level texts, for example despite, nevertheless, and others. Single words like these are somewhat difficult to define by a direct meaning, as they help making a sense or forming a meaning of a sentence ( Hence, vocabulary and its size is challenging and demanding for non-native speakers of English, which requires non-native speakers of English to use other two systems ...
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