
Read Complete Research Material


Study Skills

Study Skills


In this paper we have to jot down how we can fins relevant research material when working on a research project at post graduate level. We will also device a general plan for a research project in which we will specify how a proper and effective research strategy should be devised. We will also write an essay on the topic of how to write an effective essay at post graduate level and lastly we will discuss what issues could come up when doing the research while evaluating the effectiveness of my original research strategy.


Task 1

Research Strategy

Collection of relevant research material for this research project was a long time consuming process. It was a detailed task which took a lot of time and thinking. The material that was collected was made sure to be relevant to the research project. Each research project has important relationships within the relevant field of research. These relations determine what research methods are possible and effective and also guide the general character of the project. In fact, these relationships are the basis of the traditional classification of research activities that need to be adopted to collect relevant research material (Handley,2006).

The ways through which we can collect material can be divided into the following heads:

The formal sciences such as mathematics, logic and theoretical philosophy have no association with empiricism. Just study and pursue theories clarify their structures: the forms and laws of thought.

Factual science, in contrast, study empirical phenomena and objects. Factual science are classified on the basis of the expected results and reviews if the result primarily is theoretical, practical or both.

Basic research is supposed to promote the theory and knowledge gathered from the appropriate field of study.

Applied research often promotes both theory and practice.

Development projects are pursued only on practical benefits.

We used the basic research to collect material for the research. Firstly I gained immense knowledge of what my project's character is all about and that really helped me in conducting the research and finding relevant material for it too in not much time. The first question regarding the start of the study was what kind of material is required to study keeping in mind the project's character. Should we consider the existing written material or collect new materials through the empirical study of people or objects? The answers to the this question helped in identifying the project's objectives. Setting a goal is usually to make the job easier and faster: it is easy to move when we know where we are going. Then I settled a work plan to get to know where research material will be required, and how to go about to research and collect it accordingly. When defining the results and benefits of the project, I kept in mind that empirical work can affect other people who may be involved in the project for example, people who are being studied and even other outsiders. Data can be obtained from publications, existing statistics, from letters ...
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