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Significant Problem in Education Today

Significant Problem in Education Today

Education can be defined as the multidirectional process by which transmit knowledge values, customs and ways of acting. Education not only occurs through the word, it is present in all our actions, feelings and attitudes. The fact that the volume of recorded knowledge is growing, while the speed with which this knowledge is absorbed and enriched by one man, remains constant, leading to further specialization and fragmentation of education (Barton, 2006).

Its objective is to encourage the process of structuring thought, creative imagination, the forms of personal expression and verbal and effective communication. Despite the undeniable improvements it has brought the logs to our educational system (beginning of schooling from age 3, extension of compulsory education to 16 years, improvements in the approach to vocational training, renovation of much facilities and equipment), we face serious problems that still await an answer. Some of them are long-standing, others are the result of social change (the implementation of the information society with its new training requirements and new workplaces, the pervasiveness of ICT and the vast amount of information available, the new family models and their problems, immigration) and some are the result of the LOGSE own approaches and the way it has been applied (with fewer resources than initially planned) (Moretti, 2009).

According to recent studies School failure is real high; since the sufficiency is not always achieve the minimum content. Our students are below the average in knowledge and skills of reading, interpreting texts, understanding and solving math problems, science. In front of our 25% failure, the average is 21% (Denmark 11% Germany 7%).. Among the causes:

Students do not try

Students have little capacity

Adapted teachers are not teaching well

Parents do not help

Current problems in education is lack of motivation among young people, and is promoted mostly to people who usually do not study, as some athletes, singers. (This does not mean that the singers and athletes do not study). We also have some other embarrassing problems, such as the relevance of program content in relation to curricular paradigms and the reality of the context in which they develop, just to mention something (Martin, & Halperin, 2006). The problems of education are not, therefore, only the student and the teacher, nor are those that occur only in the classroom, but also occur in educational institutions and society.

The understanding of the multilateral nature of education leads ...
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