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Education: A Global Competition

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French Education Dilemma4

Comparison of Education between United States and France5

Chinese Education Practice6

Comparison of US and Chinese Education7


Education: A Global Competition


Students from different education and culture background may have different perceptions towards higher education—particularly expectations related to teaching and learning. Students' approach and orientation to education may further affect their academic decisions, expectations, and performance. Studies based on psychometric analysis and interviews have shown that there are two generalized types of educational orientation among students: a learning-oriented type and a grade-oriented type. The former focus primarily on values such as harmony, personal growth, the process of learning and intellectual competence, and this type of student espouses intrinsic values. The grade-oriented student primarily focuses on concerns such as grades, status, competition, and recognition, and they are more interested in extrinsic values. Researchers found that learning-oriented students reported the highest grades, and also showed the greatest degree of satisfaction with their university experience. Therefore, students could improve the quality of their learning experience in universities if they could move their perspective towards higher education in the direction of a more learning-oriented approach.


Many researchers have express concerns about the current state of affairs about the university environment and about the state of higher education in general Bloom (1987) and Bercuson et al. (1984) have maintained that current university curricula and practices have resulted in a deteriorating academic atmosphere in North American universities. Some researchers have claimed that many students go to university, for the first time, unready to meet the requirements of the university environment (e.g., self-sufficient, time management) and that their expectations (e.g., internship or "Hands on" experience) are far away from the purpose of a university education. The result is that many new students find it is difficult to adjust to university life. Many studies have focused on four different types of learning-oriented (LO) and grade-oriented (GO) students. Other research work focus on the improvement of the universities 'counselors' level and the function of higher education rather than the problem within students. Additionally, the common questions about responses about the purpose of university, students' perceptions of the university environment and students' general academic and care goals are often raised in previous studies.

French Education Dilemma

French colonization was not based only on economic exploitation. It was also driven by the idea of a 'civilizing mission'. Like the British in India, the French claimed that they were bringing modern civilization to the Vietnamese. They took for granted that Europe had developed the most advanced civilization. So it became the duty of the Europeans to introduce these modern ideas to the colony even if this meant destroying local cultures, religions and traditions, because these were seen as outdated and prevented modern development. Education was seen as one way to civilize the 'native'. But in order to educate them, the French had to resolve a dilemma. How far were the Vietnamese to be educated? The French needed an educated local labor force but they feared that education might create ...
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