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Implementation plan & report

Implementation plan & report


There is a case study of the student of a primary school who is facing learning deficiency in the perspective of literacy. A child requires learning need which can compensate his other deficiencies. First of all there is need to approach the teacher of a child, through which assessment can be made which can be helpful to treat the child in a better way. There is a need of implementation plan which can cover all the aspects of child's deficiency in an aspect of literacy.

Approaching the teacher of a child

In order to assess the learning need of a child it is very much important to approach the teacher of child. It is the most essential step of investigating child's learning need because without the help of teacher's guide it is not possible to make shape this process. This includes a thorough discussion with the teacher of a child to inquire the deficits in perspective of child's learning. After approaching the teacher of a child it has been come to know that the main deficit in child's learning is in an aspect of literacy. The child is unable to write and read, therefore, the teacher complains about the deficits of child in terms of literacy (Arthur, J. 2006).

Learning need

According to the teacher of a child the learning need of a child is in terms of literacy. The child deeply needs a particular learning in those areas in which a child is weak. There are many weak areas of child in the perspective of learning. The learning need of child is making a child unable to achieve desired academic goals. Therefore, it is very much important to understand the learning need of a child in order to compensate and resolve the issues of child's learning needs (Barbarin, O. 2009).

Child's learning deficits

A child is unable to write and read according with the standards of primary school teachings. A child of a primary school is facing a lot of problems in understanding his class work and all the lectures conducted by his teachers. This problem is due to child's deficiency of comprehension and understanding the work in class. There are number of ways through this issue can be cured but first of all there is need to inquire the reason of child's learning deficits.

There are many hurdles observed which are coming across in the way of child's learning and creating many deficits. According to the teacher, a child is not able to pay proper attention in the class which is creating a deficit of attention. Due to this deficit a child is facing many problems and making less progress in academic learning.

Another deficit of a child is that a child is unable to complete his work in a due time which is assigned by his teacher. As a child is very much weak in writing and reading, therefore, faces many difficulties in terms of making his work complete before teacher's deadline. Child's incomplete work highlights his deficits ...
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