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Women Education: Spain

Women Education: Spain

Table 1. The Educational Institutions of Current Women's Studies Students


Number of present students

(CEM) Alicante University


Balear Islands University


Leon University


Complutense Madrid University


Oviedo University


Seville University


University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)


NGO (unspecified)




The majority are taking 1 (57%) or 2 (28%) Women's Studies courses. Of the 8 different types of courses taken ? almost one-half are Women's Studies modules in a different disciplinary area at undergraduate level (48%) ? followed by courses outside educational institutions (30%) ? employment related Women's Studies (8%) ? and adult education (3%). The remaining types of courses taken were doctorates (8%) and postgraduate Women's Studies modules in a different discipline (2%). The length of courses varied from 1 week to 9 months. Courses began between 1998 and 2002 ? with 79% of entrants beginning in 2002.

Upon leaving school between 17 and 20 years ? 98% continued with their studies and 2% entered paid employment. The decision to take a Women's Studies course was made by 5% while working and 95% while at school ? university ? or studying abroad. Universities or colleges were the primary sources for obtaining information on the course taken (75%) ? while the other major sources were friends (14%) and women's organisations (8%) and other organisations (2%). Factors that were very important in the decision to take a Women's Studies course were academic interest (70%) ? awareness of gender inequalities and discrimination against women (67%) ? personal interest (64%) ? gaining a qualification (50%) ? social issues (36%) ? learning with other women (29%) ? feminist activism (14%) ? getting back into education (11%) ? political motivation (11%) ? changing my life (10%) ? improving job opportunities (9%) ? health issues (1%). The experience of persecution and the experience of violence were not important in the decision to take Women's Studies (0% each). A minority (21%) experienced difficulties finding a course to suit their needs.

Of the 12 institutions where courses were being attended ? 9 were universities in Spain and 3 were community organisations.

No students were required to undertake a work placement ? but of those that did ? 1 student was in the public sector ? 1 student was in the private sector and 1 student in the voluntary.

Women's Studies changed 72% of student's understanding of equal opportunities and 57% have become more involved in equal opportunities issues as a consequence of taking a Women's Studies course. While 48% of students expected their Women's Studies courses to have a positive impact on future employment ? 28% found that it did. While 41% expected their Women's Studies course to have an impact on their family life ? 38% found that it did. While 54% expected an impact on their personal life ? 59% found that it did. Almost all students (96%) enjoyed their Women's Studies course ? and 86% said it met their expectations.

Six students intended to study abroad; 1 student through a summer school ? 4 students a semester or year abroad ? and 1 student to undertake research. Between ...
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