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Securing Good Outcomes for Pupils

Securing Good Outcomes for Pupils

How have you established a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect?

School should do much more than just the teaching of technical skills. It always involves; concrete, actionable and verifiable knowledge, skills and abilities as well as to personality development and the development of value consciousness and sense of social responsibility. The present school program, designed the framework in which they perceive their educational responsibility for their own development and the quality of their educational work. Profound social changes have not made sure the conditions for formation and education of children easier (Zapatero & Jim, 2011, 101-114.). Family problems, changes in leisure and consumption, the increasing influence of the entertainment industry, as well as, global economic and ecological problems are just examples of the difficult conditions of school work.

The development of individual skills, building social responsibility, the introduction to the shaping of a democratic society, to participate in cultural life and the responsible activity in the professional and working world and the development of ethical judgment and action. The exemplary role of the respective subject teacher is of great importance in this process of education. The principles of tolerance and openness, our school is committed in particular. The knowledge and understanding of other countries and cultures, which is reflected in the diverse school partnerships has, in a school work is of high priority and to underline the international orientation that also in multilingualism (the pupils should learn as three) is expressed. There is agreement in all bodies, seeking to an educational consensus that the development of the following skills and abilities, and attitudes of the students must be at the center of all efforts: technical competence, communication skills, judgment, media and methodological skills, criticism and conflict management, democracy and understanding of history, leadership and teamwork, creativity and commitment. The acquisition and preservation of the ability to lifelong learning has both the teachers as well as the students remain an important objective in view, because the quality of learning is nowadays more important than the quantity of knowledge.

Students must be taught to work together as a team, divide the work and back together in joint discussions (Smith, 2013, pp. 39-60). It forces the students own positions and results in discussion with the group to enforce the same time. Students have already learned in school that democracy thrives on the commitment of its citizens, the willingness to take responsibility, to get involved in the community. The work in the student council and the employees' participation in the organs are particularly suitable to prepare students for their social responsibility.

In the development of society to information society, the computers are advancing into new areas and new communication media network the world. Positive is the knowledge that arises somewhere in the world, at any time and can be accessed almost anywhere, but negative: the media shape and sometimes overwhelm our imagination with images and pushing back the knowledge from ...
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