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History of Education Essay

History of Education Essay

How have understandings and ideals of EITHER university, secondary OR primary education changed and developed in Britain?


The twentieth century in Britain, in the educational field, begins and ends discussing, among other topics: The comprehensive national education, the need for the indigenous and rural education, the difference between training and education and the urgent need for moral education. It seems that in a hundred years nothing has happened and that history repeats itself. But no, that nation of the century has little to do with the current country, and although the topics for discussion are the same, the context, the meaning and purpose are different.

This work aims to provide a historical overview of primary education in almost a hundred years, primarily public education, allowing us to understand their development as a great historical process. Our analysis of the evolution of primary education from his great changes in the twentieth century and from the educational policy of the government. We are aware that this policy is enforced and applied differently depending on the local, regional circumstances and the same school. It realizes the different works, fortunately increasingly, regional history and case studies that have occurred (Sturt, 2013, pp. 121-34).


Primary school, surely, is the educational level that has received the most interest from specialists in the education field. Many of these investigations are set in a time and/or given space, or refer to a type of education as in the case of indigenous education, the rural, the adult or socialist education, etc. The development of education and in the present case, primary education has to do-and-depends largely with economic, social and political conditions of the country. The development of primary education is linked to the work of extension work being done by the teacher (Alexander, 2013, pp. 101-10). The secular, popular and free Britain primary school, the Britain century began with an elementary school where work dominates, silence and order, which aims to develop a comprehensive education and that has clearly distinguished the difference between education and instruction, assuming the public school as the central task educate (Lowe, 2012, pp. 178-90).

However that inheritance of the nineteenth century, the development and evolution of primary education in the twentieth century, its vicissitudes, its coverage and support, content and curriculum, ways of working and approaches are linked to the Britain Revolution, encouragement and momentum. The same decree ordering the creation of rudimentary schools (1911), is the preamble of this change, recognizing belatedly impossible to build indigenous Britain nationality if, two-thirds of the population, lack of community language (Egan, 2011, pp. 143-55).

The elementary schools were basically providing urban education for the middle and upper classes, care for the rural population and the working class was minimal. Despite having a huge number of illiterate and largely rural populations, the various governments of the nineteenth century were proposed as policy, bringing education to the most vulnerable sectors. However, until the Britain Revolution when a vigorous state policy in education was boosted, and ...
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