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Five Topics

Five Topics

Responsibilities and Boundaries of Role in Relation to Teaching

There are roles, responsibilities and boundaries in every profession that are set with the purpose of dividing the line that points out the extreme limit. Thus, roles and responsibilities are imperative for the reason that they would smooth the progress of order in any organisation and let organisational and personal goals to be met, since those with roles will be answerable to their functions.

Hence, in this paper I will examine the role and responsibilities of a teacher in relation to the teaching. Teachers are the ones who wear lots of hats: counsellor, friend, mentor, judge, number of roles which are different for different students, classes and extracurricular duties.

Teachers also serve as a planner (Makhanya, 1997, p.90). They plan effective, appropriate, inclusive and coherent learning programmes that support equality and involve in diversity which denotes that they actually plan for the application of diverse teaching activities and approaches which are lined up with the requirements of the curriculum and meet the requirements of the learners.

Moreover, there are also some boundaries within this profession. A teacher is not at all supposed to lend money to the students, neither are they permitted to borrow money to students (Makhanya, 1997, p.91). It would be very unethical for a teacher to do such a thing. A teacher is also expected to not overtake his/her role by visiting student's home for assessment or the student visiting teacher's home for assessment. Since each and every assessment should take place at the institution.

Key Aspects of Relevant Current Legislative Requirements and Codes of Practice

Here I'll identify the key aspects of current legislative requirements for the industry of the aeronautical engineering and will also discuss it codes of practice.

The most comprehensive policy that is followed is the Equal Opportunities Policy which is reinstated by the 2010 Equality Act. This Equality Act was established to make sure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect irrespective of gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation or ethnicity. It respects diversity and is planned to put off prejudice of any kind.

The 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act is also very significant and is the major element of legislation which covers work-related health and safety in the United Kingdom. The Health and Safety executives are accountable for putting the Act into practice. Health and safety is the primary subject that is covered by the students. This takes in fire procedures, workshop safety, and college induction.

Moreover, all disciplines related to manufacturing must also abide by ISO 9001. It plans the requirements or needs that administrations have to meet with respect of relevant documentation and quality management systems.

Thus, the aeronautical industry has to function within the Civil Aviation Authority's framework which covers the Air Navigation Order and Civil Aviation Act.

Hence, these are the major legislative requirements that aviation and engineering must abide by in the United Kingdom.

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