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Assignment 1- Challenges In VET - Adult And Higher Education

Assignment 1- Challenges In VET - Adult And Higher Education


In today's fast pace of competition, the competition has increased in all fields of life. The individuals that possess high levels of skills and capabilities gain the competitive positions in the societies and in the business world as compared to the individuals that lack certain essential and competitive skills and capabilities. In order to assist the individuals to enhance and boost their skills and capabilities, most of the countries offer them the vocational education and training systems so that they can polish their skills (Davey, K., 2012). The vocational education and training (VET) systems enables the individuals to attain qualifications for all sorts of the employment and it also assists them in gaining the skills that enhance their performances at the work place. The countries that have give significant importance to the vocational education and training systems are found to have improvement in their economies.

According to Jan, F. (2005), the process of learning does not stop with the finishing of school or university. The author has argued that we live in a rapidly changing world that is also known as the information age, therefore, the workforce is required to adopt certain important skills according to the requirements of the global environment. The author has also argued that as the society ages, it becomes more essential for the adults to adopt and to learn certain important skills and abilities to polish their existing skills and knowledge.

Australia is also among those countries that are focused towards bringing the positive changes among the individuals relating to the employment skills so that the economies can be made more improved. The Australian vocational education and training (VET) system is the most efficient and effective element of the Australia's educational system. The VET systems are developed for the adult and higher education in the Australian educational system with the collaboration and the partnerships of the governmental authorities and private educational institutions. The Australian vocational education and training (VET) system has the standardized system of the certification that provides the valued education to the adults in higher education system (web source:

The VET system of Australia has various provided various benefits to the individuals as well to the economy of the country. The VET education system is still on the development and improvement stage. There are various challenges that are being faced by the Australian vocational education and training (VET) system. The following section aims at discussing about the basic purpose of the VET system of Australia and it will be discussed in detail about the challenges that are being faced by the vocational education and training (VET) system of Australia (web source:


The purpose of Australian VET system

The basic purpose of the Australian VET system is to enhance the performances of the industries so as to boost the exports of the country and to improve the scales of ...
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