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Reflection on Personal Development Plan

Reflection on Personal Development Plan


Personal reflection provides an opportunity to look into ourselves while identifying the strength and weaknesses that lie within us. This activity also helps students review their previous performance and to fill in the gaps that caused their failure or pulls them away from their success. This report is also a personal reflection on my previous performance, the challenges I faced during past semesters and how I over came them during this semester. Based on this personal reflection a personal development plan will also be sketched out which will allow me excel in my next four semesters.

Review of Initial reflection

The initial reflection allows me looking into the abilities and key factors of success I was lacking in. While going through the past semester I realized that I have come over my weaknesses to greater extent but there are certain aspects of my student life that are lacking behind. My initial development plan was to improve my presentation skills and I worked upon it harder than ever before. I played an important role in making PowerPoint slides and it helped to enhance my technical abilities and computer skills. This was a change which I got during past semester because before this time I was unable to speak in front of a crowd and I also did know developing the PowerPoint presentations.

Despite of gaining a successful change I was intended to, reviewing the initial PDP allowed me to identify my weaknesses that still need to be worked upon. Though I have realized that personal reflection is helpful in developing ourselves, it also made me aware of the fact that there are certain things in which I m lagging behind and for this I have to sketch out a detailed personal development plan.

Current Situation Analysis

There are two kinds of factors that impact every one's life and so is the case with students. These factors are internal factors i.e. weaknesses and strengths and the external factors that are opportunities and threats.

Internal factors

My strength is that I have developed my communication, computer and technical skills very well. I am able to produce electronic learning notes and projects very well and this skill save my time to greater extent.

Currently, the weakness I have is that I am internally focused person who is factual and specific. This weakness makes me detached in the ...
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