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Create resources for two pupils with specific learning difficulties dyslexia and EAL

Create resources for two pupils with specific learning difficulties dyslexia and EAL


In this modern era problem of learning disability is extremely common, and individual suffering from learning disability is not able to continue the process of learning like normal people because of diversified unknown factors. Normally, problem of learning disability and learning disorders are considered as similar, however, these two problems are completely different from one another (Goodwin & Thomson, 2006). For instance, individual suffering from learning disability faces severe problems in completing their normal academic process, whereas learning disorder is a severe clinical problem that requires proper diagnosis process as prescribed by the concerned medical personal.

Individual can face three common types of learning disability problems such (Dyslexia) means that individual is facing problems while reading, (Dyscalculia) means that individual is facing problems in solving quantitative problems, and (Dysgraphia) means that individual is facing problems in writing. Next section of the report comprises of resources that an individual suffering from dyslexia might require, and resources than an individual suffering from EAL requires (Department of education, 2006).


Resources for the individual suffering from dyslexia

Individual facing problems in reading (Dyslexia) might also come across other issues like lack of concentration, memory problems, problem in organizing and planning, issues with spelling and grammars and others. However, individual can resolves all of these issues my using the below defined resources.


the best resource of resolving the issue of Dyslexia if to increase the habit of reading, as by the individual can considerable improve in reading skills, and thus it will help him in improving its writing skills. In order to make this resource beneficial it is imperative for the individual to select the book of his interest, with proper color and diagrams as that will reduce all other problems with readings.

Time for study

Problems of Dyslexia does not require any medical attention, rather it requires the individual to enhance its habit of reading, and to devote considerable time for himself (Keynes, 2004). Management of time, is the major problem for any individual, and if that person is suffering from Dyslexia that it becomes more difficult for them to manage their work schedule. Hence, instead of selecting a new course for this exercise these people must select a book of their interest from their course, and select an hour initially for reading, and ...
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