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Critiquing of social journals

Critiquing of social journals

“A Small-Scale Study of the Relationship between Measures of Deprivation and Child-Care Referrals”

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(Winter & Connolly), 2005 have conducted a small study to identify the relationship among deficiency in childcare referrals. According to the author, comprehensive and in depth literature is available on issues relating to child abuse, but so far, no research has discussed the relationship between the level of deficiency and child care. For instance, research conducted by (Corby, 2000) disclosed that researches used different source for gathering data, and research particular problem from different levels, thus result obtained from such work, does not provide authentic information. He further argues that researches have so far been completed using individualistic approach, inter-personal approach and structural approach.

According to the author the first interpersonal and structural has made vital contribution in the field of social research; however, individualistic measure has not made comprehensive impact on research field, mainly because root cause of child abuse issues have a direct relation with individual factors, and behaviour(Devany & Spratt,2009 pp. 5-10). Meanwhile, previous literature on this area of topic has predominantly used theory of attachment, psychodynamic theory, and social learning theory, that primarily focus on the behaviour of parents, their psychological issues, and their personal characteristics. In simple terms, psychological issues, refers of characteristic of parents, which are observed of abusing their child, intentionally or unintentionally. For example, parents with abusing nature are more interested in child crying, and pave no intention towards the smiles of child, whereas, parents with non-abusive nature become cautious, after feeling the pain of their child. According to the available literature, parent's immaturity, work pressure, self-centeredness, also increases the abusing nature within the parents (GMC, 2011, pp. 15-35). On the other hand, it was observed that stereotype social behaviour has played a vital role in the increasing child abuse that has forced authorities to modify behaviour patterns within society, to ensure proper and useful interaction between parents and their children.

Whereas, inter-personal approach that stress upon resolving social psychological social issues in the society, and is founded using broader concepts of theoretical model, primarily aims to understand the primary characteristic of parents with abusing nature, and their daily surroundings. This tool is primarily based on interaction between an individual with its families, and its relation with social environment, rather then focusing on intra-personal characteristics of individual (NSPCC, 2009, pp. 2-5). For example, sore relationship between parents, also paved the way of child abuse, as parents in such situation become violent with children to take revenge against their partners. Thus, in this perspective, implementation of innovative framework, would provide authorities an opportunity of using complex tools, for understanding the relationship of parents and children, role of social environment, and relationship in explaining the actual aspect of child abuse.

Majority of previous literature has also used ecological model, to determine the association between the child abuse, and social support structure. Research based on ecological model, has able to identify social factors related ...
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