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Lack of sexual education in United Kingdom and effect on teenagers



Research Barriers & Experience Evaluation16



Lack of sexual education in United Kingdom and effect on teenagers


For more than thirty years, providence of appropriate sexual education has considered as government primary objective and priority. For these reason, in year 1974, government amended an act of parliament, in an evident effort to decrease adolescent pregnancies and occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) within young people, has worsen the situation as now government is to blamed for increasing supply of contraceptive to children of young age(Aggleton & Campbell, 2000, pp. 283-294). Another, unbelievable and terrible characteristic of 1974 legislation was that it has provided doctors the option of giving young children particularly of school going age with contraception pills without the permission of children parents.

After implementation of this policy, the country has witnessed comprehensive increase in the population of children that are using contraception, as according to report of health centre more than 1000 children of below sixteen years pays visit to family planning clinic (Alldred et al, 2003, pp. 80-90). Sexual tragedies like teenage pregnancies and occurrence of sexually transmitted disease have increase after the frequent use of contraceptive, primarily because security and safeguard given by these contraceptive is inadequate. Thus, it could argued that after inadequate sexual education, failure of contraceptive pills have been viewed as the second most prominent factor of prevailing sexual health crises in United Kingdom.

Thus, after more than three decades of imperfect sexual education and failure of free contraception the country is now being suffering from unexpected teenage pregnancies, and in addition to this, there is a record increase in STD's and abortion level(Allen et al, 2007, pp. 20-27). On the other hand, the most disturbing factor is the rate at which young children in indulging in sexual activities. According to the government of the country the prime grounds of prevailing crises is that young children are unaware of the methods to use contraception, and this could be resolved by providing them with adequate sexual education.

In year 2000 government issued sex and relationships guidance to entire schools and health authorities, that clearly illustrates that educating young children about the use of contraception is government central policy of diminishing teenage pregnancy (Amu & Koby, 2006, pp. 314-318). According to this publication young school, going children are illustrated with proper education of using contraception, emergency contraception, and teachers could provide children with classified recommendation about places from where they can gather authentic contraception.

Thus, the crunch of this guidance was that it is imperative for young and school going children to be aware of the importance of safe sex, and must know the tools of effective communication with partners during the sex (David et al, 2003, pp. 511-520). The next section of this report will provide a brief illustration of what is sex education and its importance, and then the report will provide a detail illustration of issues of teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, and single mother that has ...
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