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Education Planning Problem in South Sudan, and Interventions and Planning for It

Table of Content


Educational Planning Problem2

Current Interventions (Aims, Objectives, Options, and Constraints)5

Sector Wide Approach Frame Work6

Critical Analysis of Issues and Strategies to Cope With It7



Resources through Government Systems10

Willingness to Harmonize Donor Funds11

Availability of Sector Policies12

Value for Money13


Policy Documents15

Incomplete Government Structures16


Political Situation and PEST Analysis17




Education Planning Problem in South Sudan, and Interventions and Planning for It


South Sudan has become a complicated as well as difficult place for working. The prolonged civil war held with Khartoum government came to an end due to Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, but this war had resulted in more than 2,000,000 people's death and displacement, and the remaining population is highly dependent on humanitarian aid (DFID, 2012, p.2). In 2005, Southern Sudan's government came into being, but unfortunately it neither inherited state institutions, nor did it virtually posses any infrastructure, further it has very limited human resources. However, in the following five years, Sudan has seen development of some state structures and experienced the stability in many areas of South. Where, this is the result of new administration in Juba, which effectively managed to integrate in most of the military forces in South. This leads towards the peaceful referendum in January 2011 on Sothern Sudan's self-determination, and eventually resulted in emergence of Republic of Southern Sudan as an independent state on 9th July, 2011 (DFID, 2012, p.2).

Education is recognized as every child's primary human right, regardless of their circumstances. However, considering the current rate of progress, even if the promises are fulfilled, the universal basic education goal will not be achieved by 2015. The reason behind this is that the effective governance, and its principles of accountability, and efficiency of transparency proposed for educating children are greatly impacted by conflicts, furthermore, government accountability for the services they promised to provide in order to provide proper education to all citizens, is absent from the documents of educational planning, international educational conferences, and debates about educating all. Therefore, in order to meet Millennium Developmental Goals on education and the targets of 'Education for all' adopted by the World Education Forum in Dakar in 2000, urgent and efficient actions focused on conflicts problems, transparency, accountability, service delivery efficiency and effectiveness are required to be taken.

Educational Planning Problem

The ministry of education is currently facing one of the most pressing issue, that is, the fact that South Sudan has a wide range of competing needs within the education sector as well as with other sectors. The education planners are confronted with resource allocation issues, as they have to face problem of allocating the donated money among the competing demands. Therefore, major efforts are needed to achieve allocating and internal efficiencies. In order to achieve these efficiencies priority setting is essential. Government has developed variety of policies, principles, and procedural guidelines, but unfortunately has focused on prioritizing within the sector. Hence, the program is developed by just considering the propositions of NGOs without close supervision of implementation by educational ...
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