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Research & Evidence Based Practice

Research & Evidence Based Practice


The aim of this essay is to critically discuss an evidence based appraisal of an aspect of my own practice and include making recommendations for nursing practice and future research. The general purpose of this research was to unveil the physician-nurse relationship from a nursing perspective collecting evidence on it and researching on the topic.

Section 1

Strategy Outline

The general purpose of this research was to unveil the physician-nurse relationship from a nursing perspective collecting evidence on it and researching on the topic. We will study the ideology of physician nurse relationship and how it affects the patient. The relationship of physician-nurse activity is indissoluble. No success in medicine is without the participation of the nurse. It should be clarified that there is a tendency to believe that nursing is exercised only women, but history also shows that men have treated patients in hospitals.

Being a nurse is an art that, so requires a full devotion and preparation work as serious as any doctor. Furthermore, all the primary function is to be a good medical clinician. Thus, for example the primary care physician must be competent in many materials to meet a number of problems that fall within the scope of the specialists (Garon, 2002).

The existence of a relationship between a doctor and a nurse is extremely important and you can benefit from positive aspects. And while the logical and convenient, is to separate the private life of the working life, many of the professionals have undergone training programs that delve into the doctor-nurse-patient. The purpose is to provide the medical personnel of a more holistic view of human nature and a change in attitude. All for the benefit of their own health (Burns & Grove, 2005).

Literature Review

A doctor and nurse - the dominant pair, affecting all processes in the department that have an impact on patients. Nurses interact with patients during the day and are designed to create a health-protective mode, which is essential to recovery.

Patients usually experience physical and mental discomfort, which is connected, as the process of treatment, and with the service and communication. Modern trends are such that gradually changes the old stereotypes, a nurse, now plays the role of the physician assistant's assistant and his partner. Basically nurses involved in the treatment process may be considered from the point of view of the two positions:

1. Nurse performs support functions provides the physician acts proactively as a team player, focused on results, worried about the patient, involved entirely in the therapeutic process as a necessary and important element.

2. Nurse supports passive detached type of relationship with the patient, do not worry about the outcome of treatment, do not feel responsible, requires constant monitoring by a doctor, a doctor's prescription does literally, "for show", often in full (Graham, 2007).

The Principles Of Mutual Behavior In The System Doctor - Nurse

1) The principle of a clear separation of functions

When the duties of nurses are clearly defined and strictly defined, they do not interfere ...
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