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Development & Child Rearing

Development & Child Rearing


Parental attitudes is a holistic system of various feelings towards the child, behavioral, practiced in dealing with children, especially the perception and understanding of individual psychological characteristics of the child's actions. The influence of education, parental attitudes, standing for parental behavior, parenting style is enormous and covers a variety of aspects of mental life and behavior of the child (Thommen & Rimbert , 2005).


Evaluation of Child Rearing Styles from a Cultural Perspective

Child rearing styles are varied and interesting to each parent. From the point of view of psychology, there are 4 styles of child care: Child rearing styles and children appear in the family home, and in kindergarten, at school with teachers and educators. Children are all different, some quite quietly and calmly say once his claim, but with someone you will not manage without threats and rigor. Let's break down the pros and cons of each parenting style (Colomb, 1998).

Liberal Style

Liberal parenting styles require that an adult is the opinion of the child; he forgives many transgressions, talking to him as an equal and shares his passion. A parent who has chosen liberal parenting styles, listening to your child, does not impose restrictions and does not put demands.

Authoritative Style

A parent who chooses authoritative parenting styles, understands a responsible role in the upbringing of the child, in the formation of his character, principles, values ??and personality, but it is understood that the child has the right to form, develop, and gradually formed their own opinion about everything surrounds it. Parents who prefer liberal parenting styles can tell what a child needs to put strict conditions or requirements, and that it is better to discuss with him and come to a compromise.

Authoritarian Style

A parent who has chosen the authoritarian parenting styles children, knows how to raise children, and how a well-mannered child. The hallmarks of the education of children are intransigence and inability to compromise; many restrictions and requirements often do not have a real basis, the authority only parental opinion.

Indifferent Style

In this case, parent's teachers or teachers who chose neutral parenting styles do not see the importance of their influence on the upbringing of the child. He is given the opportunity to grow free, independent and self-reliant.

Use of Conditioning in Shaping Behavior

Behavior plays an imperative role in the process of learning. The definition of learning also highlights behavior as an integral learning determinant. The modifications in human behavior occur when individuals actually interact with the environment them. But the majority of behavior is learnt. Behaviorism has more to do with behavior rather than with opinions, feelings, or knowing. It specifies more on the aims and observable components of behavior.

Classical conditioning is one of the major aspects of the behavioral learning theory. According to Ivan Pavlov, the Russian physiologist who discovered the theory, classical conditioning is a process of learning which occurs when an environmental stimulus links up with a naturally occurring stimulus. It is imperative to understand that ...
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