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Education is something that people take of themselves and for themselves. Education can be considered not only to the transmission of knowledge of initial and ongoing training, but beyond cognitive learning, good manners that show a person know something. Having a specific emphasis on education in Christian Universities, there is an opportunity to learn under well trained Christian faculty and environment based on biblical framework of education. Rather than attempting to define what it means to be well-educated, should we instead be asking about the purposes of education? The latter formulation invites us to look beyond academic goals (Kohn, 2003). This really is a question to think much. These days I doubt anyone really knows beyond what an educated person is, some people believe that by paying at the best schools and have a college degree is educated

During all periods of human history education has been ranked high among the population. Human progress depends largely on well-educated people. We get our knowledge of the world and life through education. People think they have acquired high academic qualifications, but they can only acquire bookish knowledge. Currently, you can see that everyone is busy acquiring bookish knowledge, but they forget that people have lived happier and better without bookish knowledge in the past. People think that the continuation of school education and the acquisition of bookish knowledge is true education. No, this is not true education. Categorizing the process of learning and restricting it to particular degrees and diplomas is not justified. This is just my point of view that many may contradict. It is sad but true; many organizations consider qualifications presented on the paper are the only proofs that state a person is educated. I believe talent of learning is God gifted and can be polished with acquiring education.

The question remains, what does it really mean to be educated? A person who has his or her expertise in medical field will not necessarily have the same level of understanding in mathematics or arts. The rising competition in this era has raised the bars of education for every individual. The process of learning has further categorized into branches, providing multiple options to choose from.

Many of the authors like Alfie Kohn are proving their stance similar to mine in their literature. Being educated is not about completing the degree at the university, but it means to achieve and earn the utmost level of behavior and the ability to carry high morale in the society.

Education at a Christian university makes reference to Christian values, what are these Christian values? A first attempt to answer this question may lay in the extension of the saying Christian values are the values of humanity. As a Christian student studying at the Christian University, I feel education does not only come from the books and lectures from the teachers. The environment and the fellow students play a significant role in grasping quality education. The staff of The Christian University is distinguished by its high level of ...
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