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Implement and Evaluate Programs and Care Routines for Children

Implement and Evaluate Programs and Care Routines for Children


Childhood development is one of the most important topics and there exist a large number of researches on this particular topic. This paper presents an analysis of childhood and adolescent development, with a critical discussion on cognitive, psychological, and biological aspects of development. In this paper the characteristics of a normal child, who experiences a normal growth are considered. Therefore, designing and implementing child care program is necessary for educators with proper procedures and policies (Crittenden, 2005, pp.47-63).

The dynamic and continuous process of child growth and development has been inextricably linked to changes in body composition that guide general physical characteristics of each period of childhood. The report presents the details of development of children, involvement of parents in their development, assessment system processes and procedures and educational processes necessary to conduct learning programs for child care.

Development of Children

Children grow in stages and each takes time and has its process. These stages are sometimes faster and others slower, but all are equally important. Note that each child sets the pace of evolutionary development and, therefore, the learning process of every child will be different. The first five years of childhood are really important. At this age, children are admitted in schools. They feel themselves responsible to some extent and start understanding the importance of completing homework, assigned to them. They enjoy playing with their friends also. These are the years when the child is more dependent on his or her parents. This is the stage of discovery, which helps in transforming his or her personality and abilities. The children aged between 1-3 years, tend to express their feelings and emotions through peculiar actions (Crittenden, 2005, pp.47-63).

The stage of adolescence itself is characterized by a depth of emotional life. Imagination and creativity are the hallmark of this period and often the appearance of poetic skills as a way of sublimating the intense emotions that are experienced. These artistic skills tend to disappear at the end of adolescence. Finally, the achievement of identity means the successful interpretation of the image and its relevance to the society. Every child is unique in his own way, while the development of the child is through different phases. There are 5 areas of development of a child:

Emotional and Social Development

It involves how to react in different situations of joy so showing happiness. Children make friends at different stages of life. They interact with others and follow them. A baby playing with a toy and smiles towards it shows that he recognizes it.

Cognitive Development

Cognition is our mind development how we learn in different situations and resolve our problems and issues related to them. For example, visiting a different place a 2 months old baby will explore his surroundings.

Speech and Language Development

During this phase a child learns and understanding different languages. For example, a child learns to say mother and father initially and differentiating between ...
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