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Planning & Reflecting at Postgraduate Level

Table of Contents


Search Strategies3

Search Terms4

Database and Journals4

Project Planning5

Work-Breakdown Structure6

Gantt chart7



Reflection of the Assignment11

Planning & Reflecting at Postgraduate Level


The postgraduate assignment is one of the essential parts of postgraduate level study. The students are required to make use of effective and well-structured planning in order to complete the assignments on time. The effective planning at postgraduate study level means that one should use all means of collecting diverse and wide information from different sources about the topic and main in which one is intends to research. This requires that one should use variety of search strategies to collect information that is indispensible for effective planning of each assignment. This assignment focuses on understanding various methods of research planning and management of postgraduate assignments by using variety of search strategies and project management tools. This will explore how students at postgraduate levels of study could manage their assignments by using basic researching tools in assignments. The search strategy discussed in this assignment focuses on how one can be able to search relevant information in lesser time which would help to manage wastage of time. Further, search strategies explore how it is effective in identifying and filtering relevant and latest information regarding the topic and main area of assignments.

Search Strategies

The objective of search strategies is to examine tools and methods which answers the questions of 5ws such as who, why, where, what and when regarding the research topic of postgraduate assignment. Every search strategy begins with phase of planning stage which answers the above questions about search strategies. The planning phase of this assignment includes identifying search parameters, search terms, keywords used, identifying right and authenticated sources and databases, searching those sources and databases, implementing those sources and evaluation and documentation of those sources for post-graduate assignment (Neuman, 1995). Further, planning stage in this assignment will focus on background readings of topic that postgraduate students choose for their research and also explore management of those assignments using method of reflection writing. Keywords also play an important role in effective searching about different areas of topic. With the help of keywords, the topic of assignment will be more effectively search on Google and other search engines. Further, keywords help to search topic in diverse encyclopedias, thesaurus and dictionaries. Moving on, the topic will be searched with the help of other tools of search strategies such as usage of Boolean operators like “or”, “not” and “and” (Meho & Tibbo, 2003). These will work as connectors in searching relative terms about topic and main area and also helps in expanding and narrowing search of topic. The connector “or” of Boolean operator will be used in searching of topic of assignment for expanding their search. This will be used between parts which help to expand search horizon and provides more results in lesser time. Further, “and” connector or operator will used in the assignment which helps to get relevant searching results about topic (UNC, ...
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