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Education Value - Democratic Education- Education for Cultural Action

Education Value - Democratic Education- Education for Cultural Action


It is important to examine the value of education in private and government sector, so that deficiencies, areas of improvements and additional things can be determined. Education value has been given importance in every country because education laid the foundation of any nation. Education is the right of everyone, which is the reason it has been considered mandatory even by the law till certain age. Good teachers and effective teaching methods are integral in education, which eventually determine the value of education. There has been a wide gap between of standards in teaching methods and practices in private and government funded educational institutions.

Education value refers to the process of what is being taught by teachers and what is its effectiveness. In simple, evaluation of teaching material and teaching methods are known as education value. Education has become one of the most expensive commodity offered with subsidy by government in public school or can be obtained through private schools with a very high price tag. The difference in education eventually determines the value of education been transmitted or transferred. In relation to this, it is important to determine what are the methods through which value of education can be enhanced. The most common methods in this connection are democratic education and education with cultural action plan. The need to understand both the stated methods is important because educated people benefit from their level of understanding and hard work, which less or non-education people are deprived off. Lack of education often refrain people from thinking beyond certain limits, which is the main reason they often failed to achieve their desired goals in fully. From this point of view it can be said that education is an exclusive right, which belongs to the every individual and to the society as a whole (Mei, 2006, p49).

Education has been considered the most important phenomenon in the success of any nation but not the sole one. Along with education there is a need to develop or in fact cultivate the student's thinking for developing the country; otherwise high literacy rate will be of less economic benefits. This study in connection to exploring the value of education will also attempt to identify how democratic education and education for cultural action can be taught, and what value will it add in an education system. Private or Public Education Value

It is well known that in developing countries many poor parents are prepared to invest substantial amounts of their income to the education of their children in private schools that are often too expensive for them to afford. This aspect, however, leads us to consider a different problem that has to do with the value of education in the private education market when the private value is the main topic of choice. How can a person make a valid judgment on the quality of education offered by the market taking into account their ...
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