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Kindergarten is regarded as one of the best place of learning for new young children. At the early stage of development students are full of energy and passion, this time can also be a nightmare for the young child, if the instructor fails to understand the child. Teaching & grooming young children is regarded as one of the toughest task for the teachers. A kindergarten child requires extensive coaching of instructors; it means instructors have to develop distinctive strategies in order groom the young child at its optimal level. Few studies from 1980 to 1990 suggested, that children with unilateral hearing loss face educational difficulties while comparing to normal children. I have figured out, that it is entirely the responsibility of the instructor to develop distinctive strategies, in order to from young child at its optimal level (


Instructors use different techniques to assess the students; which primarily includes formal and informal assessment. A formal technique includes standardized method to assess entire academic progress of the students. Informal methods include observation, developed tests and anecdotal records. Both the methods are extensively used by the instructors all over the globe to assess the academic performance of children (Morrow, 2005).

The importance of English language has to be processed by the instructors, for those students who are English language learners. Literacy development of students has to be supported by teachers during literacy process (ELL). I have identified during the lectures that professor attention towards young children grooming has to be right on the money; so that young child does not feel any problem during his/her academic learning (Morrow, 2005).

I have examined during the lectures, that special students needs more assistance comparatively to normal young children. If, the individual is facing unilateral hearing problem it becomes highly difficult for the young children to absorb the lectures effectively. Instructor role in this condition is most vital. It has been observed, that young children face more difficulty while hearing speech in noise as compare to the adult students. It has been found during the lectures, that a unilateral hearing young child requires extensive assistance of the instructor in order to diminish difficulty in future. Students with two hears are blessed, because they can hear and guess where the sound is coming from; while young children with one ear face difficulty in while figuring the sound. It has been examined, that unilateral hearing students face increased risk of educational problem and speech-language.

During the practicum in Kindergarten, I was honored to assess the children and the experience was quite wonderful. I have been accepted by the students as a teacher; it was a great experience with the children. I have the pleasure working with a girl named Alisa; she is a 7 years old girl who was learning English as her second language. I have conducted pre-assessment test in order to judge her caliber. She was scoring 50% score in wording, and 20% score in end sounds. The benchmark for wording is 70%, and for end sounds ...
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