The disabled individuals have been harassed due to the disability that they have in them. They have been a source of targeted violence. They are said to undergo collective targeting. Collective targeting is when a closely connected group is said to be targeted and collective harassed ( The basic premise behind such kinds of incidents or such mode of harassment is the fact that they are not said to be directed towards one person. It is directed towards members of that particular group. This communicates that it might be members of one family; it could be directed towards members of neighborhood. It could also be directed towards member of one race or community. It could be directed towards groups that have a certain identity, sexuality or ethnicity. Recent collective harassment cases include individuals who are disabled (
Children and adolescents with disabilities are a vulnerable population at particular risk of being subjected to aversive interventions as they may have difficulty at communicative, emotional, or cognitive development that can prevent them understand or communicate what is happening ((Balderian, 1991).
Intimidation (Bullying, bullying or bullying) usually occurs often against people with disabilities. Bullying is defined as aggression (physical, relational, virtual) repeated and systematic to another who is usually helpless (there is an imbalance of power).
In Britain:
• 82% of children / as with disabilities have been bullied
• 79% are afraid to leave home
• 58% physically assaulted by bullies
• 27% bullied for 3 years or more (Higgin, 2006)
In the United States
• Physical punishment policy against teachers and students with disabilities
- Hits with wooden boards or rules, tossing, catching hard leaving bruises, pinching
• 19% of those with disabilities receive corporal punishment
- Being 14% of the population
• Negative consequences
- Regression in development (especially autism)
• Punished for their conditions
Such harassment is done to ensure that this behavior is said to impact not only the individual but also the entire community with the same characteristic. There was a survey conducted in United Kingdom which stated that disabled individuals are said to be 4 times prone to be harassed as compared to the normal individual. It was also revealed that disabled kids as well as young people are most likely to be at risk of being harassed then normal kids and young people. The kind of harassment that disabled children and adults undergo is name calling as well as verbal abuse which often goes unreported and that it tends to escalate with time as it is unreported. It escalates in to a serious issue which tends harm one of the two parties right in conclusion. The solution that such disabled individuals come to is the fact that they avoid reporting such incidents that they have gone through and they tend to alter their lifestyles or restructure their routines in such a way that they do not come across such behavior. The commission which has said to be analyzing the condition of the disabled individuals further state that they ...